Epilogue: New Beginnings (1)

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Lady Katherine Harrington of Johanne, Archery Mistress in the Longbournian Armed Forces

1 September, Year 2 of Sebastian VI, Emperor of the Longbournian Nations' reign

Amöneburg Palace, Amöneburg

The Longbournian Nations

New beginnings are shrouded in uncertainty, and they elicit fear in anyone who embarks upon them. If the prospect of starting on a new journey does not frighten one, even the slightest bit, then she would be better off staying right where she was.

Even when I had first made the decision to train to become an Archery Mistress, against Mama's wishes, and against the thoughts and ideals of the society around me, I had been filled with an unnerving fear – fear of the unknown, fear that I would let down the precious few who had believed in my capabilities, and fear that I would be ridiculed by my female counterparts for the rest of my life – that had almost changed my mind.

However, at that time, determination had overridden the fear. I had been two and twenty years old, desperately searching for a purpose in my life beyond mere marriage. I was sick and tired of spending one half of my life attending balls, and the other half waiting for each year to blend into the next. Considering I was already proficient with a bow and arrow, my brother Jacques and Jules had suggested that I join and train in the army - and I had done just that.

I have never been more grateful for that decision. Through the army, not only have I found a fulfilling career as an Archery Mistress and a golden opportunity to train in the Longbournian Nations, but I have also found my love and a dear friend in a gem of a man. Today, a year later, I am sitting in my chambers in my wedding gown, ready to pledge my heart and soul to that very man till death does us apart – and I cannot deny that, beneath the overwhelming joy, I am absolutely terrified.

"You look beautiful, Kat."

I look up, startled out of my thoughts. Through the reflection on the looking glass before me, I see Richard grinning at me on the threshold of my chambers. He is dressed impeccably for the occasion in a new black suit, complete with the Monriquan royal blue and red sash slung across his torso and a golden coronet on his head.

A faint smile tugs up my lips. "I know."

At that moment, I hear another familiar voice approaching our chambers. "Richard, I told you I wanted to - "

Before I can think too much, a shorter, auburn-headed man peeks into my chamber from behind Richard just then. In contrast, he is attired in a heavily-patched up black suit, and a dull, white cravat that is fraying at the hems is knotted at the base of his neck. Despite the sorry state of his clothes, however, he is simply bouncing with energy, and almost pushes Richard over the threshold in his excitement to see me.

"Careful, Derik!" Richard splutters, as he grabs the door before he can fall face first to the ground.

Derik's eyes widen in shock, and he quickly turns towards him to help him up. "Scheiße, I am so sorry!" he apologises profusely, his words thick with his accent, "but Kat promised I can be the first one to see her in her wedding gown, and I simply could not let you steal the honour - "

I smile wryly. Emotions come all too easily to Derik, and he does not shy away from expressing them. Indeed, I can still vividly remember the day he openly wept with happiness, two months ago, when I asked him if he would like to help me design and sew my wedding gown.

The Dowager Empress and the rest of the Emperor's family balked at the fact that I commissioned a Palace stableman for such an important task, instead of taking my pick of all the famed modistes in the empire. It is a pity that they do not know, as well as I have come to know in this past year, that Derik has an incredible eye for beauty, and is a thousand fold more skilled with a needle than all of his male and female peers put together.

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