On the Other Side, Chapter 1

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On the Other Side is the second and final book of The Wall series. You'll have to read the first book, Between Worlds, to understand this one.

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And now, behold, On the Other Side!



The man who tortured my father also became our source of survival. Ironic.

Alec and Hale Smith, Anna Morgan, my father and I, seated in a circle on the wooden floor of the drawing room, devised a plan. A plan to bring us sufficient food and water, since Alec and Hale's house had been devoid of anything edible.

Nobody wanted to sit on the sofa that was stained with Hale's and my father's blood.

Three hours had passed since I was told about the true meaning of the sun, and in these three hours, my father had changed.

The last thing he had talked about was the sun of hope. After that, he had grown silent, distant, stoic. And I knew why.

Her death still stung.

My mother.

Looking at this version of my father made me whisper a silent prayer. Please, God, bring him back to normal. The cheerful man that he was before.

As the seconds slowly passed, it dawned on me that it would, in fact, take him a long time to get back to normal. That's what grief did, after all. And I knew that, for him, this was the grief of the greatest kind.

I could tell him to move on, but that was futile. I imagined someone telling me to move on when my mother had passed away. It wouldn't help.

Maybe that was a later stage. When my father slowly begins to accept, or slowly gets used to the pain, I could ask him to move on. But now, all we could do was hold each other and become each other's strength. Make him realise that when he'd think of her, he wouldn't find her; but he would always find me. That was how a man could truly move on.

I knew he would return to normalcy, eventually, but the sad feeling I'd get when I'd look at his distant eyes would be hard to adjust to.

And I couldn't blame him, either.

I pushed away the thought. Let's focus on what must be done.

Of course, this plan of acquiring our means of subsistence was just the first step, the essential step, of the ladder we were to climb. The final step of the ladder was, simply, made of four words. Something must be done.

We were not entirely sure what 'something' was, but for the time being, there was one thing on my mind. One thing that pestered me, every single minute.

Samara must be avenged.

And I knew, that to avenge Samara, the colonel was to be dealt with. And to deal with the colonel, we had to survive. And to survive, we needed food.

On The Other Side (The Wall Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now