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"It's nice to have you home." Louis says from the seat next to me.

It was June and the boys had decided to take a few weeks off to come home to Manchester. I had decided to join them and brought Pluto along with me for the journey, she was spending 'quality time with Grandma' as my Mum called it.

Louis wanted to bake a cake but the Welch residence didn't have any of the ingredients so we were in the car on the way back from the supermarket.

I look over at him and smile "It's good to be home."

"I met Amber yesterday, I don't know why he had to bring her home with him."

"He likes her and she likes him, she had to meet you eventually." I tell him.

"I'm 15 Sting, I know how it works. I just don't get why he's not dating you, why can't you be together again?" He whines the first part as I laugh back at him.

I sigh "It's not that easy Lou, he doesn't love me like that anymore. We're just friends, do you like Amber?"

He quickly shakes his head "No, she spent an hour telling me about her acrylic nails yesterday. An hour, I think I could do acrylic nails on you now."

"We should try that one time." I wiggle my eyebrows at him in joke "I've met her a few times and she was sound, seemed good for him."

Amber was lovely when we first met 2 months ago but then her facade had soon worn off. It was a Wednesday evening and everyone was over at Ross's, I went into the kitchen to get a drink and she had followed me in. She was being possessive over Matty and acting really weird so I tried to avoid her now.

I was whisking the ingredients together whilst Louis placed the cupcake cases into the pan. Music was playing from the speakers in the kitchen and we danced and laughed together until we heard a clearing of a throat.

I turned around to see Matty leaning on the other counter crooked grin on full display as he looks at us both. Louis goes to pause the music, looking between the two of us.

"Why am I never invited to do fun things with you two?" He feigns hurt.

"Bea's my favourite." Louis retorts back, wrapping his arms around my waist whilst flipping Matty off.

I laugh at the two bantering back and forth, "You can help decorate?" I suggest.

Matty nods quickly "Yeah, yeah I can do that."

Whilst we waited for the cakes to cook, the three of us sat and watched a film sticking to tradition. Louis was sat in the middle of Matty and I, his head leaning on my shoulder and his legs tucked up into Matty's side. It reminded me of when he was younger and I'd come over to babysit.

The timer goes off and Matty pauses the film, pulling the two of us up off the couch with him. We get to decorating once they had cooled a little, Matty letting his child side show and dipping his finger in the icing every 5 seconds.

The front door opens and the sound of heels making their way through to the kitchen is clear. Amber's slender frame comes into focus and she looks me up and down in distaste before walking over to Matty and kissing him.

"There you are, I've been looking for you babe!" She says loudly, Louis covering his ears and I shake my head quickly at him whilst trying to hide my laugh.

Matty pulls back "Yeah, been making cakes." He says, stratching his head awkwardly.

Amber looks to the cakes and rolls her eyes "Right, well we better get going. Say bye to your friends."

Louis coughs "You can stay if you want? I've not seen Matty in ages." His tone soft and sad.

I look back at Matty who was frowning, Amber tutted and walked towards the front door again before shouting back to him.

He comes over to the two of us, bending down to Louis' height. "Sibling day tomorrow? I'm all yours I promise."

Louis takes a second before looking over at me "If Bea gets too come. No Amber though, she's a bitch."

M looks up at me, "Bea can come, she's always welcome. and I know bud, I'm working on it."

With that he kissed my cheek, ruffled Louis' hair and was off.

Fallingforyou // Matty Healy Where stories live. Discover now