Chapter 139

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~~~~~~~~Laura's P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~
I sat there. "Laura need to get up." Stormie called to me. "No.Tell me Ross is fine and waiting for me behind those doors". I breathe catching my breath after crying so much.She looked down holding her tears also. "Enough! All of you want to cry but you won't because your doing it for my sake!! How about you all just cry for me!!?? Huh? Only way I'm going to feel better is if you guys show some real emotion and don't have to fake it!!" I shouted. She then sat with me and hugged me. "I understand but you need to seriously calm down. He's fine." She reassured me. I cried in her shoulder. "B-b-ut h-he m-" She rubbed my head. "It's okay. I understand. Do you think he would you like what your doing!?" She lifted my head and wiped my overly smugged make-up. "He won't go down without a fight. He loves you. He won't leave you." She said. I smile slightly and drop my head on her shoulder once again. Her kids then joined us. "Were all here for you." They said and embraced me. The Lynchs everybody. I sniff. "Thanks guys." I sniffed once again.
"We'll be out there. Call us when you need something." Riker said. I nodded and made my way towards the room.I had my hand on the knob but I just couldn't walk into the room. "You have to see him. You said you needed to know if he was fine or not right? Well, walk in that room and see for yourself." They encouraged me. I nodded and walked in the room. There he was. His color was slightly gone. He was surrounded by machines and tubes all around him. I looked at his life support machine. He was stable. I wiped the tears that welled up in my eyes. I walked closer. "Ross..." I croaked. I wanted to hug him and cuddle with him but I can't. I ruffled his bangs. "Please..." I started. I was choking up. I held his hand. "Stay with me..." I say. "He can hear everything but can't respond. We noticed this during the precedure." A doctor called startling me. I put my hand on my heart. "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." She laughed. "It's okay.Thank you." I sniff and look back at him. "I know how you feel." She said. I nod and squeeze his hand. Nothing. Please move or give me something. "He'll come back to you. He's quite strong." She said. I smiled because it's true. He has never been able to be put out. Even when he was playing hockey and there was an accident where the skate blade of another player cut his forehead. He got cleaned up and played the next game the same day. I admired that about him. I felt the baby move more than usually.They seem to like it when I think about their dad. This brought a smile to my face. "I'll need you to fill these papers out. Bring them to the front if you will". She said and left. I ignored her and stared at my unconsious half. "Please wake up for me..." I say."Stay with me..."
♪Say can you read between the lines I'm singing...♬
"He loves that song. It was fun to write." Rydel said as she came in. "I bet." I say. "It was mainly Rocky but you know, we all have our moments." She said causing me to chuckle. "Gee you guys are really something..." I say. She giggles and sits with me. "Ross..." She started. "I don't know if you can here me or not but I want you to know we love and care about you. We miss you. Come back to us." She said. "I love you. Our baby loves you. Come back to me." I say and hold his hand tighter. "He loves you too. I'm sure he'll wake up in no time." She reassured me. I know she had a hard time believing it herself. "Just believe in him." She said. I nodded and kissed his pale cheek. "I love you." I whispered in his ear. No motion. "Let's get you some food." She motioned me go with her. "Can I just stay with him? Bring me back some orange juice and pretzels." I say. "Kk." She said and got up to leave. "Wait!" I say. "Yeah?" She asked. "Do you all Lynch's believe food solves the world's greatest problems?" I ask. She laughs making me laugh. "Yes." She said and left before I can make a comment. "Rydel..." I say.
I believe in that Laura!! I feel like this is getting sucky but good news! New story will be out soon. It's kinda like this but not. You'll see what I mean when it comes out;)!! Comment and Vote!!!!!

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