Chapter 19

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*7 years later

Lena's POV
"Miss. Luthor your meeting is about to start" my assistant said popping my thought bubble. "Ah Yes I'm sorry I'm on my way" I said as I took one last sip of my drink and look out my window I loved the sweet view of national City. I grabbed my reports and left to go to the meeting. I entered the office and was greeted by a bunch of men, "Ahhhh hello there Luthor" one of them said. "Hello mr" I question trying to know what to call him. "Call me Kevin"

I stared presenting my stocks of L Corp and then a tall blonde girl bursts into the room and then out eyes met and then I knew who that girl was Kara Danvers.

"Mrs. Wood I would like you to meet miss.Luthor" said Kevin as he presented me to kara. I saw a marriage ring on her left hand and that felt like a bunch of knives have been stabbed in my heart. "Oh umm hey miss.luthor.. I'm kara.... wood" Said Kara as she tried not to make eye contact with me. "Mrs.wood is my assistant she just stared a few day ago" said Kevin but, I noticed kara was playing with her fingers and that's a sign that she is nervous.

She smiled and sat down next to Kevin and started clicking her pen Weirdly. I tried to Ignore it and continued my presentation.

I was half way done when Kevin stood up and pulled out a gun. "Thank you Lena for your time but I don't want this place what I want is you" he came closer "imagine how much money you family will pay to get you back". I stood there in fright trying to see if there is anything to defend myself, and that's when kara yelled "NCPD, PUT YOUR WEAPON DOWN AND HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK". Could this girl get any hotter I thought as she arrested The man. "Lena Luthor you will have to come with be for witness purposes. "Good job babe I will take it from here" Said a male voice and then I saw him Chris wood

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