Chapter Four: Police Officers Disappear with Glamour

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The faerie looked toward Oracle.

"There!" She shattered into what looked like mist and flew toward me. Oracle grabbed me and threw his body over mine. I hit the ground and the camera went flying from my hand. My eyes shut immediately. Pain from the back of my head spread as I blinked a few times. I thought about my dagger. Did I bring it? I couldn't remember. 

Fucking Erasmus. Can't he leave me alone? No, of course not. I had to stab him in the gut. He had to get back at me for that. 

The mist was gone, but there was a crash and Eloy's yelling coming from inside.

Oracle pulled back a little to look down at me. He looked worried.

"Are you alright?"

I nodded. 

I heard  screams and Oracle scrambled to his feet. I followed and grabbed my camera. The people in the room surrounded someone. Oracle pushed through the group and I followed close behind. Drake. Erasmus would've loved to get a hold of him. Panic gripped me as I broke through the crowd.

"Drake!" I said, looking around.

I saw bright pink eyes stare back at me. Drake searched my face.

"Are you hurt?" He asked. He reached out and gently cupped the back of my head. A sharp, quick pain shot through my head and I winced as he felt the bump forming a knot in the back of my skull. 

"No!" I said as I looked around him. Eloy sat on the ground, growing paler by the minute as he held onto Cassandra. She looked like she fell asleep. No, she looked like a corpse. Her face was smooth and her eyes closed. Her hands folded underneath her collarbone. Her hair fell free of the braid she wore it in and it reminded me of Renaissance princesses in paintings. 

"What's happened?" Oracle said. 

"She just collapsed." Ari said, looking up at me. His face broke out into a sweat and his panic made me scared. He seemed so calm about everything else, but something about this scared him. 

It took me a moment. Of course it scared him, he saw the faerie. 

Cassandra's eyes fluttered opened. She made eye contact and gave me a dreamy smile as she said, "Dreams. We live in dreams, isn't it beautiful?" 

"Dreams?" Drake asked as he got down to her level and held her hand. "What do you mean by that, Cassandra? Is someone coming from your dreams?" 

She gave a little giggle before her eyes rolled up to the back of her head.

Oracle looked around. "Someone, call 911!"


The EMT was smart enough to dodge Eloy's punch when they told him that he couldn't come with Cassandra to the ambulance.

"He has to realize he is just going to get sick in that tin can," Drake said with his arms over his chest. The police lights flashed over Drake's face as he stood next to me. The night came too quickly and hours of waiting, trying to figure out what was going on began to make me cranky. The police wanted to ask me questions even though there wasn't a lot I could answer. The officer looked at Drake for a moment.

Most of the police stepped away from Drake. Most humans knew there was something off with Drake and Eloy, but didn't know what. It made most men uncomfortable, but women stop and stare. 

"You sure there isn't anything you can remember?" The officer asked me.

"Hasn't she told you that five times already?" Drake shot back.

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