Returning Stolen Property

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 Frank let go of the guy's arm and lunged for Joe, but the guy pinned him down. "No!" Frank struggled under the weight of the man, hoping, praying that Joe managed to grab onto the railing. "Joe!" Of the two, he would have the reflexes and the strength to do that. He didn't hear a splat or a thud, so he figured that's what happened and Joe was hanging on for dear life. "Get off!" Frank shouted as he rammed his elbow into the guy's stomach.

The man laughed cruelly. "Why should I?" he asked menacingly. Frank noticed he had a slight Indian accent. This was Ali Singh, wasn't it? If so, where was Klein Connors? "You're Fenton Hardy's son, huh? Both of you, in fact." He growled in Frank's ear. "You have been a big pain in the neck." Frank stiffened when he heard the distinct snap of a pocket knife opening. "I think I should return the favor." The lights flashed on, momentarily blinding the two. "What the?"

"Mr. Applegate, help Joe!" Frank's vision cleared just in time to see Ali raise the knife. The next instance, Reilly tackled Ali to the ground. Collig bounded up the stairs and gave Frank a hand up.

"You alright Frank?"

"Yes, but, Joe!" Frank glanced over the railing and shakily breathed with relief. His father was hugging him tightly.

"Ali Singh, you are under arrest . . ." Frank didn't hear the rest as he was dashing down the stairs and nearly toppled Joe over in a bear hug.

"Hey, I already fell once! Don't need my own brother doing it to me again!" blurted Joe.

Frank let out a laugh as he sniffled. "Sorry, I thought, I thought you were a goner."

"I almost was when the lights turned on, but then Dad and Franklin were helping me up." He shot his brother a reassuring smile, even though his face was ashen. "You of all people should know it would take a little more than that to kill me."

Frank laughed as he wiped the tears from his eyes. "Yeah, I know, Biff has taught you well." Joe grinned, some color returning to his face. They paused as Reilly and Collig came down the stairs with a sullen Ali Singh between them, his hands handcuffed behind him.

"Good job boys, you caught Ali Singh!"

"But, where's Klein Connors?" asked Joe. "Both of them were told the location of the Applegate treasure." He and Frank shared a look. Did Red Jackley lie to one of them?

Ali spat on the ground. "That stupid Connors wouldn't know the most obvious hiding place even if you spelled it out for him!"

"But, you didn't find the treasure here," said Fenton slowly.

"Of course not! I was interrupted by your pain-in-the-neck sons here!" He glared at Frank and Joe.

Joe bowed. "Glad to be of service." Ali stared at him in shock while Frank burst out laughing.

Collig chuckled. "Reilly, take him to the station. Franklin, if you'll help us look for the treasure."

Franklin saluted him. "Yes sir." Reilly led Ali away, while Hurd joined the others and the search began. They went over every nook and cranny, every square inch of the old tower three times over before calling it quits. The treasure wasn't there.

"But where is it?" said Joe with an angry huff.

Frank rubbed his chin. "Apparently he told both Ali and Klein it was in the old tower."

"But it isn't here!"

"No duh," said Frank with a roll of his eyes. "It could be like what Dad and Chief suggested, it's in an old water tower."

Fenton and Collig nodded. "It's the only logical explanation, now that we've eliminated this old tower," said Fenton.

"But we've been through all the old water towers too!"

Hardy Boys -1. The Tower TreasureWhere stories live. Discover now