Vikklan/Minilan- Hidden

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Simon's P.O.V.

I had never known Lachlan to be silent, hell, I had never known him to even be quiet. Vikk didn't want to leave me with him but he had an event that he couldn't get out of, because Lachlan's visit was so last minute, in Germany, which took place over a week so Lachlan stayed with me for that time. I knew the moment I picked him up from the airport that something was off.

He gave me a single word greeting and didn't say anything more for the entire car journey back home, his head resting in one hand. I was already worried about him, concerned something had happened in his life at home or to him but I wasn't brave enough to ask, helping him take his suitcase inside before he disappeared, and I didn't see him again.

He was living in my house for 3 days, hidden away in the guest room, before I saw him again. He must have had something to eat and drink with him because he only came out to go to the bathroom, and no matter how much I knocked on his door to convince him to come out, he refused. It wasn't until the evening of the third day that his door was slowly and reluctantly pushed open and Lachlan, looking exhausted and drawn, emerged.

Lachlan looked ill, really ill. He was shaky and didn't seem to want to look me in the eyes, pale too. I rushed to sit him down at the dining table, crouching down in front of him so I could get a better look. I didn't need to look long. He looked awful.

"Lachlan...?" I breathed, finally drawing his eyes to mine. "God, Lachlan, what's wrong? Please, you're scaring me..."

He opened his mouth, as if he was going to tell me, before snapping it shut. He only shook his head, his lip trembling with tears already forming in his eyes. I didn't ask anymore. All I did was lean in and hug him tight, holding him as he trembled and finally just completely fell apart, going limp against me. He wasn't crying, I don't think he was able to.

When I pulled back he was completely blank, staring numbly across the room, not even responding to my touch.

"Lachy...?" I whispered, but he only blinked. "Do you want something to eat?" He shook his head.

I was scared. This wasn't normal, this wasn't right and I had no idea what to do, he was barely responding to anything I said- I didn't know what to do. He didn't move as I left him sitting on the chair to grab my phone, desperately finding Vikk's contact to call him because if anyone knew what to do, he would. He knew Lachlan the best. He picked up within moments.

"Simon? What's up?" I could hear a lot of noise in the background, he was probably in the middle of the event.

"Vikk, something's up and I'm really worried."

"What!? What's happening?" He had heard the genuine concern in my voice. "Are you okay? Is Lachlan okay?"

"I'm fine, but I don't think Lachlan is. Something's been up since he arrived, I haven't seen him the whole time he was here and he's only just emerged right now- he's scaring me. He's not speaking, he's barely acknowledging me and just... god I don't know what to do!" I was panicking, peeking around the door to check on Lachlan. He hadn't moved and was still staring blankly across the ground, like he was frozen in time. Vikk was moving to somewhere quiet.

"Simon, put him on. I need to talk to him, I know what's wrong."

Lachlan stirred when he heard Vikk's voice, my hand pressing the phone to his ear because I knew he wouldn't hold it himself. He still didn't look at me. I couldn't hear Vikk's words but whatever he said seemed to calm the boy, his eyes coming out of that blank state and sliding back into reality.

They talked- or at least, Vikk talked- for half an hour and I left them alone. Whatever was troubling him he clearly didn't want me to know, so I let him talk it out with someone he knew he could completely trust, and the person happened to be Vikk. I hadn't taken me long to realise that he wouldn't tell me what was going on and I decided to respect that. I just wanted him to be okay.

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