[ 1.03 ] - Resolve

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[ 1.03 ]

R Y E N N E  A T S T E L L I

Year 4

My grandmother and I walked down the streets of the market with a basket of oranges in each of our hands—mine being exceptionally smaller than her's. This was to be expected, of course. As a four year old, I lack muscle strength to hold more than three oranges without getting fatigued.

"Grandma, who is your friend that we will be visiting?" I asked curiously.

As per usual, I wait for her to respond patiently since she is not much of a chatterbox as I, but in the end, she does not respond. Instead, she stopped before a small building. It was a little candy shop that seemed to closed at the moment.

Walking up to the glass door with a 'closed' sign stuck on it, my grandmother knocked on the door for a grand total of eleven times. We waited for a minute before we saw a tiny figure running out from behind the counter to open the door.

"Granny Esme, Momma is still working on the chocolate caramels so she cannot come out right away." The little girl explains happily. My grandmother does nothing more but nod as she gestures for me to come before the little girl. It is only then that I am able to see how she looks properly.

She had shiny, hazelnut colored hair and a pair of big, peridot green eyes. For some reason she looked familiar, but I could not pinpoint where I had seen her before.

"Oh! Who are you?" The girl asks. She tilted her head to one side curiously as she observed me with her gemlike irises.

"This is my granddaughter, Ryenne." Grandmother tells the girl. She then looks over to me and introduces the girl to me. "Ryenne, this little girl is my friend's daughter, Fleur. You will be seeing her often."

I blinked at my grandmother before nodding and turning to Fleur, finding the name oddly familiar.

Ah! Right! Fleur Dove was the name of the heroine from The Ice King's Dove. Such coincidence to have met her here.

After introducing us to one another, my grandmother leaves us together as she goes to the back to meet with Fleur's mother. Turning to Fleur, I find myself unable of coming up with topic to talk about.

"You...how old are you?" I blinked at her. She wants to know my age? But we are the same age...Oh. Right.

"I am four years old. You?"

"I am also four." She tells me. "When is your birthday?"

"November ninth." I answer again. I watch her lips twitch in a small triumphant smirk as she says, "Mine is on May twenty fourth. That means I am older than you."

Inwardly, I roll my eyes at her and think to myself, kids and their thing with age hierarchy.

"Come. You must follow me since I am older." Again, I blinked at her, uninterested.

"Why do I have to follow you? I don't want to. I want to wait for my grandmother here." I tell her, making her frown at my protest.

"But I'm older. You must follow me." She tries to demand, but I am defiant. Although in a child's body, I still will not follow another child's order. I am my own person. Heroine, you are too demanding for me.

By the time my grandmother and Fleur's mother came out, Fleur was crying pitifully while I stood here bored and staring at her, unfeeling.

Who told her to try and boss me around? Ryenne Atstelli shall not be a pushover.

When interrogated about Fleur crying, I shrugged to my grandmother and told her, "She was trying to make me follow her, but I only wanted to wait for Grandma here. She kept telling me that I must follow her because she is older than me. I don't know why she is trying to make me to follow her when I don't want to."

My grandmother pursed her lips with a complex expression on her face while she glanced over to Fleur's mother who just gave an awkward smile, unsure of how to deal with the situation.

"I see." Was all that my grandmother said. She then bid Ms. Dove goodbye before she ushered me out the door silently. I followed behind her without a word as I glanced back at the small candy shop. I didn't know how annoying and sensitive the heroine would be as a child because I always assumed that she was a kind, sensible child. Oh, how wrong I had been.

Real life is much different than the novel.

8 March x022

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Fleur: (flu • ier)


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