[ 1.04 ] - Resolve

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[ 1.04 ]

R Y E N N E  A T S T E L L I

Year 4

On my mother's birthday, my entire family gathered at my grandmother's house, but before the celebration begun, my parents sat in my room with me. They asked me if I was really sure I wanted to live with my grandmother, to which I replied, "I want to live with Grandma and learn all about growing fruits and vegetables!"

My father empathized with me and stroked my mother's hand gently, "Ophelia, it should be fine. With Rynnie here, she wouldn't be so lonely at home. Mother also needs someone who will be able to care for the plants when she can no longer do it. It's good that our little Rynnie is interested."

I nodded enthusiastically at my father who grinned at me while my mother pouted childishly. "I suppose that's true, but I just miss seeing my little Rynnie everyday after coming home."

This time, it was my father's turn to pout. "Is seeing me not enough?"

In response to my father's words, mother blushes as she turns away from him and mutters, "That's not it..."

I blinked at them and inwardly sighed in exasperation.

Mother. Father. I, Rynnie, am still in this room. I cannot stand eating all of this fluff you both emit.

I turned a blind eye to my parents who were publicly displaying their affections for one another and go to my closet to change into a proper dress. By the time I return, I still see my father showering my mother's face with pecks and kisses. I scrunch my face up in disgust and I pursed my lips at them before decidedly leaving to the corridors. I will not disrupt them.

As I walk down the hall to the main room. I pass by my eldest cousin, Ryon, whom stopped me and begun pinching my cheeks.

"Little Rynnie is so cute~!" He cooed in adoration, but I scrunched up my brows and watched him with distress. My cheeks hurt.

"Ry—Ryon," I struggled to call his name as he continuously distorted my face. "Plea—, le— go o—f my fa—ce."

Seeing as he could not understand my incoherent words, I took it upon myself to personally poke at his cheek with all of the force that I could muster to get him to stop. If he had not been pulling at my cheeks and was instead standing tall, I would not have been able to reach his face, but since it is so, I will let him know how it feels to have his cheeks pulled to numbness.

At my sudden motion, Ryon had stopped with slight shock. He was unsure of what he had just experienced as he holds his now red cheek.

"Ryon. My. Cheeks. Hurt." I tell him, to which he stayed silent.

We watched each other for a moment, I glaring—him stunned—before I harrumphed and stalked off to the kitchen for two ice packs. I am sure my cheeks will become sore by the next day. I am quite angered by this cousin of mine, but alas, there is nothing much that I can do...

For the rest of the day, I am left sullen as this moment in which I had been attacked by the hands of Ryon has been recorded in a photo which will hang in my home back in City X and here.

There is nothing I can do to hide the pain in my bright red cheeks.

17 March x022

*   *   *

Ryon: (ree • on)


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