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8• You Just Called Me Mr. Big-Shot Athlete

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8• You Just Called Me Mr. Big-Shot Athlete

Mystery Vandaliser: What class do you have right now?

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Mystery Vandaliser: What class do you have right now?

I saw the text as I was in the middle of blending my watercolor paints together on the portrait I was working on in my Advanced Art class. Yes, it's a real class. I was currently knee-deep in a watercolor portrait of Blackbear. Our assignment was to complete a portrait of someone we admired. Who better than a bomb ass artist?

But I saw the text notification pop up and stuck my head over my phone to unlock the Face I.D. and see what my mystery vandaliser said. What class am I in? I shook my head. What an amateur.

Alex: I'm sorry, I'm incapable of answering that as it would more than compromise my identity.

Mystery Vandaliser: So you saw right through my trick...

Alex: It was a weak effort. Really, I'm not that dumb, sir.

Mystery Vandaliser: Fine, fine. What type of class are you in? Does that work better for you?

Alex: It is an artistic class.

Mystery Vandaliser: So you're an art person?

Alex: I'm not an art person. I am art, Mr. Mysterious.

Mystery Vandaliser: But I thought you were an ugly piece of shit?

Alex: And I thought you were an asshole. Oh, wait! You are.

Mystery Vandaliser: Oh, mystery girl, how you crack me up.

Alex: Like I said, I'm awesome.

Alex: And I think from now on, we must vow to stop trying to get clues out of each other. I'd like to remain anonymous.

Mystery Vandaliser: It's because you really are ugly, huh?

I rolled my eyes and took a moment to get back to painting since that was the entire point of the class. But seconds later, there was another text that popped up on the screen.

Mystery Vandaliser: I agree. I would like to look back on these conversations with my children one day and be able to say, "Kids, one time I had thousands of text conversations with some random girl. She could've been Gigi Hadid or even the Joker. To this day, I still don't know."

Alex: That's an oddly specific thing to say to your children, but I have respect.

Alex: I'm also offended that you think I might be the Joker. Ouch.

Mystery Vandaliser: We established that you're ugly, I don't know what to tell you. Can't think of anything uglier than a clown looking dude who isn't a clown.

"And who are we so busy texting?" My teacher, Mr. Branch who told us to call him Tree, said, she was standing on the other side of my table, directly across from me. "Mr. Blackbear isn't getting any attention, but some random person over the phone is."

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