13th Sword | Butterflies

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Butterfly Estate

"It hurts...everything hurts..." (Y/N) groaned as he layed down on a futon in Shinobu's housing, the Butterfly Estate.

"Ara ara..." Shinobu spoke in a sing-song voice, a sweet smile on her face as (Y/N) groaned in pain.

"Looks can be deceiving...I get that phrase way too well now..." (Y/N) forced himself to sit on the futon, breathing heavily.

"I could help you, but...~" Shinobu giggled lightly, her amethyst colored eyes staring at (Y/N) with a smug look.

"...I think I'll just take the pain." (Y/N) looked away, closing his eyes and willing the shadow and ash energy within him to try to dissipate the poison.

He'd learned the hard way that Shinobu fought with poison, not with pure physical strength as the other Pillars did.

"Aww, that's no fun~." Shinobu pouted, seeing a faint layer of black energy surround (Y/N) as the boy sighed in relief.

"Finally...were you actually trying to kill me?" (Y/N) glared lightly at Shinobu, only for her to laugh as he put a hand over her mouth.

"Kill you? Oh, no. That was simply an appetizer. Would you like to experience the actual pain now?" Shinobu asked, her hand on the hilt of her sword as (Y/N) felt a cold sweat roll down his back.

"Yeahhhhh...fuck that. Later." (Y/N) waved, disappearing in a flash of black as Shinobu pouted, before she turned to her table.

"Let's see...he can help me make stronger poisons..." Shinobu muttered to herself, seeing as (Y/N) had managed to survive through one of her stronger poisons without many repercussions.

Shinobu then bit her lip, releasing a sigh as she looked at her hands.

"But still...being friendly with a demon..." Shinobu sighed, complicated emotions flashing through her eyes.

On one hand, (Y/N) seemed like a relatively nice person. He was strong and had a sense of nobility to him, but that wouldn't change that he was a demon.

It didn't help that his demonic aura was completely warped. Was that because he'd eaten more people than any Demon a Pillar had ever encountered before?

"Fuuu...I'm just overthinking this." Shinobu shook her head, a false smile forming on her face as she took up a quill, looking at the papers in front of her.

But somehow, she couldn't deny that he interested her. Something about him caught her attention, but she couldn't figure out what.

But, she was damn determined to get to the bottom of that.

With (Y/N)

"Sheesh...Shinobu's beautiful on the outside but that sadistic side of hers is terrifying..." (Y/N) sighed to himself, rubbing the back of his head as he looked around the spacious hallways.

Sensing an aura around the corner, (Y/N) saw a familiar, yet different figure come around the corner. A single scar adorned the boy's face as he strode forward, passing (Y/N).

"Hey..." (Y/N) called out, only for the boy to ignore him, continuing to walk.

"Oi..." (Y/N) tried again, only for the boy to disappear around the corner again.

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