Chapter 1

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Heya Loves ... i know its been long but I couldn't stop myself to write the sequel i love antman though my writing skills need lots of improvement but thank you all 😍😍for reading and here is the chapter 😯😘


Y/n Pov

It was frustrating and another type of trauma hank never told me about my mom he always behaved and told us that she died in some-kind of plane crash and now that she might be alive and suffering in quantum realm
I remember me and Hope playing with her when we were young.She and I used sneak in my wardrobe and she used to find us
I remember her smile. She was beautiful and serene, she always had that aura which made everyone in their comfort-zone.Hank loved her thats why he was devastated but so were me and hope.
I remember both of them going on their last trip


It was that day when they had to go.Hope and I were playing in the room when their departure time arrived
Hope looked at me with those sad brown eyes and stood up going outside in the hallway me trotting behind her with my own little feet as we went down Mom and dad were talking to a middle aged lady . She wasn't saying much to her but she told her

"Hopefully, it's not for long, but I'll call you when we get settled.When I have a better indication of what's going on."

When Hope called her name
Mom sighed at the sight of us both and Dad started to get the bags.

"Oh, Jellybean" She kneels down to meet eye-level with Hope and I
"Daddy and I have a last minute business trip, so Rose is going to stay with you two for few days. Take care of your little sister"
At that I profoundly said "I'm not little anymore mommy"
"Of course not sugar plum than you have responsibility to take care of Hope"
I nodded around
"I don't want you to go"

"Ugh! It's gonna be so boring! I won't be able to keep my... eyes..."as she pretends dozing off and snorts at which both of us giggled
Hank walks up to us and kissed each of us on head a pure gesture of love
"Goodbye, sweetheart. Alright, we'll see you soon." With that they both left


From that day and even now things were hectic between all three of us mainly me and Hank hope used and still is the rational one And but she is weak at inside she cries at night and then I'm there for her basically we have all gotten our backs. She even supported me when i made the decision to go behind Scott And Cross
SCOTT LANG that juvenile handsome scoundrel got us on the run mission when he had to go and help that Captain America
No offence i love the Avengers even I love Tony Stark though Hank hates him none that matter but he did put a fight against him and totally got jailed.
And about my feelings I'm not sure what i feel now about him to me it occurs that it was nothing to him as how can he throw away anything but i still am not jumping on conclusions
I went home and found all the things i have dread about all the past coming to an a single focus point like a converging lens ,converging all the rays together at one focus point and then i know what i had to do. At that moment of felt like the world is giving me another hope but I didn't wanna get crumpled. It feels like days when i dad and Hope are getting along but this was something life changing

Scotts POV

Three fuckin days I'm gonna be out again live my life like a normal person do whatever i want and play and spend time with my daughter .though i have also been doing that and no more work for which I have to get arrested again and my free time in these 2 years Had a hard time not thinking about what have I done but honestly I don't regret it of course he was captain freaking America how can i say no to him that stark guy totally had misunderstandings and it must have been resolved i love that guy also but i know that if i wouldn't have gone their than i might have been here on my sofa with y/n.

"Shit scott" im trying hard but i always end up thinking overthinking but i know she probably hates me now i risked them and i wasn't thinking properly wish i could talk to her but no more thinking lets enjoy last days of prison

~~~~Scotts leisure~~~

Scott plays the toy drums.

Scott has toy pins set up. He throws a ball to hit them. The ball instead bounces over the pins. He pauses, frozen in the stance

Scott watches a magic trick video on Online Close-Up Magic University.

"Snap your fingers. That gets them to look over there. Now that is misdirection".

Scott imitates the trick shown to him, shaking the deck and snapping his fingers. making the card change to a six of hearts. He looks at the deck with satisfaction.

Scott has a karaoke screen on his TV, singing along to the song playing during the montage, "Come On Get Happy" by The Partridge Family.

Scott is crying while laying on his bed reading "The Fault In Our Stars" by John Green.

Scott perfects a yellow oragami swan he's hung from the ceiling.

Scott bounces a racquetball on the floor, which goes onto the wall, bounces onto the other wall, bounces on the floor and goes into a Nerf basketball hoop.

Scott works on a layout for his business.

Scotts PoV

All things done

"Easy -peasy" he sighs
I get ready to take a bath. Took a plastic bag and uses a rubberband to seal up the bag so it doesn't get wet.and slides myself into the bath and sighed and unknowingly i went to sleep in the bathtub and suddenly I'm in quantum realm with me was Janet, Hank's wife
And at the same time im seeing the house
And im saying

"I'm gonna find you, Jellybean" i said astonished at my own voice

when i heard Young Hope and Y/n giggling. A large, red wardrobe with horses on it comes into view. It is then opened by a hand,my hand and into the wardrobe Hope is found inside and beside her y/n
"I found you!" I said

When y/n with a cute pout said
"You always find us, Mommy."

What the hell?is that their childhood why I'm plunged in it when there is a mirror and as i see myself in the mirror its not me who I'm looking at in the reflection its none other than Hanks wife Janet and that very moment my eyes jerked open and I'm still in the bathtub panting hardly i rubbed my hands involuntary in my hair
"I have to call Hank" i stood up and pulling a bathrobe and ran straight to where I have pit the phone and dialled the number and waited but I don't know i really don't think i wanna go back but i owe them this and i wanna see y/n
Hell no i don't wanna see her but i have to do something I can't let them be in oblivion with a huge sigh I started talking

"Hey, Hank. It's been a while. Umm... I don't even know if this is your number anymore... and, I'm probably the last person you wanna hear from. But... I just had a really weird dream. And I know that doesn't sound like an emergency or anything, but it just felt... very real. I was back in the Quantum Realm, and... I think I saw your wife. And then I was your wife. I mean, not in a weird way... You know... hearing this out loud, I'm thinking, it's not an emergency. I'm sorry to bother you. I'm sorry for a lot of things."

I pulled the phone away from my ear and hanged up .as soon as the call was over instinctively ,i snapped the phone in two and thrown it away to make sure they don't trace the call back and it was all again the same what i feared but again the chance of seeing her makes my heart flutter like a school boy i had never gotten over her i like her but it's unlikely they will ever be coming to him and getting him again not if he forbid them to and with the last thought I went to go have some breakfast

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