Chapter 25

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Hiiiiiii! So sorry I am posting so late. I had to take my mom to the E.R. She was bleeding from a ear but all is fine! It turns out it was just a scratch in her ear. Whew!

Anyway, I feel like the story is finally gonna get crazy from here on out. LOL And yes, I know how the story will end and all, so eeek! I'm excited.

As always, thanks for your support by commenting and voting!



The ground crunched under my weary foot, following the dryad who moved silently through the forest, her bare feet floating over the dirt and fallen branches. Her long auburn hair erupted in fiery red under the sun dripping past the tall branches. Her braids barely swished with every step she took, taking us to an elder.

I stepped over a jutting root of a tree. I raised my hand to swipe at the sweat droplets forming on my forehead. My curls hung limply and clung to the back of my neck. A nice, long shower sounded like a dream to me. I heaved sounded ahead of me. I glanced at Bodhi who dragged her pink hiking boots to keep up with quick stepped dryad. The barefoot dryad dodged the rocks and trunks with ease. The sound of the creek got louder. The trees grew denser and the mountains neared as well. We were now hiking out of the park's bound. I nearly chuckled at the irony of the park's name. Elfin Forest Recreational Reserve–aren't dryads basically elves?

    "What does the elder want with Red?" Bodhi climbed over another fallen branch.

    The dryad voice chimed, "She wants to speak with her. We have been watching."   

I stumbled, "Watching?"

The dryad stopped and faced me, her face softened, "Of course, we have seen nothing of your sort. A human with a heart." The dryad smiled sweetly. "You care very much about our home." She gestured to the green forest around us. Birds tweeted, the branches rustled and the creek babbled in the distance. It was beautiful.

"What is your name?" I asked.

The dryad lit, "I am Pala." She bowed her head in my direction and I jerked into an awkward bow, recalling that it was my first time bowing.

"I'm Meredith, but you can call me Red."

"Meredith," She tilted her head, "Protector from the sea?" She glided so smoothly that it took me a moment to register that she was right in front of me, sniffing my hair.

My sweaty hair.

My face heated as I stumbled back, "Wha–"

Pala wrinkled her button nose in confusion. "A human indeed."

I rubbed the back of my neck, "Uh, yes, I'm human..." I didn't think I'd ever had to tell so many people that I am human.

"But you're immune to glamours, yes?"

"How did you know?"

"Trees see and hear everything." She may seem like she is a teenager, but her mannerisms said otherwise. With that, Pala spun and continued walking. "Let's not keep the elder waiting."

"Who is the elder?" I huffed as we walked up-hill.

Bodhi answered this time–or more grunted the answer as we climbed upward, "Elder is someone who is highly respected in the sidhe world since they have reached their power with age and skills."

"Like a leader?"

Bodhi bit her lips thinking, "More like..."

"Like a teacher." Pala said smoothly. "Someone we go to for answers and guidance."

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