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Abuja, Nigeria


1 month later,

Hanifa's pov

"Alhamdulillah it's been a month now and we came back to Abuja last week..

"Hanifa are you sure you can deal with him because I don't want you to be hurt and you know that he doesn't even recognize you "Hajiya Maryam said"..

"And Mommy the worst part is that he doesn't even recognize me,Habiba,Walid and Habib he only recognizes You,Baba,Aunty Ameenah,Grandma,Aunty Sakina and Yaya Hafeez why is Yaya doing this to us I never knew he cou..."Mannar Cried"..

"Imbakiyimin shiru awurin ba sai na mare ki!(if you don't keep quiet their I will slap you!) "Grandma said"..

"B-but G-ggrandma "Mannar Stammered despite knowing how strict her grandmother is" Don't Grandma me who told you he is doing it deliberately if he had his own way too then this wouldn't have ever happened and as big as you are you are saying this!..


"Assalamualaikum "Hanifa salaamed into Amir's room..k wai what is your problem please just mind your business and stop disturbing me haba! you are not my wife so stop acting like one and even if you are tho it will never happen then I don't love you you are just a maid in my eyes okay now ge... "Amir said"..

"Amir! enough! I am tired I have been putting up with your nonsense for the past few days I am tired 'I CAN'T DEAL WITH THIS ANYMORE' I can't! you are treating me like a piece of garbage don't forget that I also have parents who love and care for me I didn't leave them to come and be insulted like this! "Hanifa said boiling with anger"..

"Subhannalahi miye nakegani haka(what am I seeing like this) Hanifa, Amir me ya faru "Aunty Sakina asked worriedly"...

"Look aunty this girl is totally out of her mind please just fire her from this job why is she acting like my wife and on top of that she just yelled at me I Amir Bugaje how dare she! wallahi i just don't want to beat her up because she is a woman but wallahi she should mind her business "Amir shouted on top of his lungs that made everyone from their sides in the mansion here him"..

"Hanifa is this the truth? "Aunty Sakina asked"..Yes aunty I know I shouldn't have yelled but wallahi aunty am tired he is treating me like garbage in this house "Hanifa said with her head down"..

"Amir apologize now! "Hajiya Maryam said" but mummy ... Amir don't taste my patience apologize! I-i am sorry "Amir said"..

"Hanifa my dear come here "Hajiya Maryam said" Okay "i answered"..

"From today you are going to be sleeping in Mannar and Habiba's side it's three bedrooms so you can take the third one before he regains his memory "Hajiya Maryam said" thank you Mommy "I said"No problem my dear "Hajiya Maryam said"..

"No mommy this won't work Aunty Hanee can stay in my room "Habiba said" No never you stink so she won't enjoy your company it will be better if she stays with me in my room "Mannar said"..

"Lalalaa is me that you are calling stinky okay then sorry to burst your bubble Aunty this girl snores at night she will disturb your sweet sleep "Habiba added"Noooo Aunty hanee this girl will give you a running stomach at night because she fats and it is undescribable it stinks sooooo mu.. Enough "Hajiya Maryam shut them up"..

"You Mannar you are 19yrs for Allah's sake and you Habiba you are 21yrs why are you acting like 5yrs kids haba! she isn't going to sleep in any of you's rooms and that's final "Hajiya Maryam said"..

"No mommy it's fine we can share the third room am sure we are going to enjoy each other's company "Hanifa said"..Okay but am only doing it because of you Hanifa "Hajiya Maryam said"..Yaayyyy "they giggled"... Let's go they dragged me to Amir's side of the house and I packed all my belongings then we left..

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