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Georgia Morgan was in a blissful dream of getting married to Harry Styles and her dad walking her down the aisle when she heard it. She fought as she hard as she could to hold onto the dream, but it was gone with the banging on the door.

The growl that came out of her would have the ones on the other side running if they had heard it over their shouts. "Come on, lovebirds, we hav' ta go!" She heard a heavily accented Irish voice call. Flipping back the covers, not caring she was only in a dress shirt and panties she grabbed her dads latest present and stomped to the door.

"Don't kill 'em, Love." Came a voice from the warm bed she just left. "Fine, I'll just maim them!" She called back. Now that, the man at the door did hear. When Georgia tore open the door it was to see 3 men fleeing from their door. "You think it's that easy?!" She asked as she yelled and chased after them.

Another day in the life of loving and living with Harry Styles.


Georgia Rose Morgan had lived a charmed life. She would be the first to tell you she was one of the luckiest ladies alive. She was born in March of 1998, during a time her parents had been trying to fix their marriage. That hadn't worked since her mother decided that she had missed out on too much and didn't want children.

So, her dad had raised her alone. Well, until 2005 when he decided she was old enough to understand he was working and took a roll on the new up and coming show Supernatural. Ya, her dad was Jeffrey Dean Morgan. He was an amazing dad and she was a daddy's girl from the start.

Growing up she had thought that Jared and Jensen were her brothers since they called him dad too. It wasn't until she was 12 she realized that while they would always be her brothers, they weren't related.

She missed her brothers, but they would see each other at conventions, when they visited New York or she and dad went to Texas.

It was around her 13th birthday that he had received a script to audition for their favorite show, The Walking Dead. They had squealed and danced around making complete fools of themselves, but they didn't care. She helped him rehearse every day, and he had gotten the role of Negan after the first reading. It had been painful to hold in that secret for months until they unveiled him.

During his scenes though she had gathered herself another family. She had found amazing uncles in Andy and Norman. The ladies were all like aunts and sisters. She would never be able to express her gratitude when Lauren and Melissa had helped her when she got her first period.

She could talk about anything with her dad, but that was embarrassing to her 13 year old self. Her dad had a comical look of relief when she had told him that the ladies had shown her all she needed and he didn't need to worry. He did make it special though when he took her out for ice cream to celebrate her being a lady now.

It was during a summer trip to her Uncle Andy's house in London that she had met her boys. Andy and his wife Gael were like second parents for her, and she loved getting to spend a few weeks in England every year.

Her uncle decided to give her a present to celebrate senior year of high school in the fall. Front row tickets to a One Direction concert. Luckily, her uncle had known to plug his ears while she opened the tickets and back stage passes.

What had started as a band she listened to as an annoyance to her brothers was now a slight obsession of hers. Her uncle still took credit for her love story in all the retelling. The concert had been the craziest, best time and when her blue eyes had caught emerald the world had stopped for just a moment.

He was 2 years older than her, a head full of curls, and a fresh tattoo peeking out of his sleeve. He was everything her 16 year old heart dreamed of. The fact he was a truly lovely person with an amazing and sarcastic personality was a cherry on top.

When they had gone backstage and met, sparks had flown when they shook hands. "Harry." "Georgia Rose." A habit she had gotten into when her brothers teased her she was Georgia Rose since her dad was Jeffrey Dean. She hadn't noticed when he had slipped his phone number into her pocket, but she squealed when she found it that night.

Unfortunately, it would be a year before they would meet up again. He had to leave to continue the tour, and she went back to New York and Georgia being homeschooled with her dad. Over the year they learned pretty much everything about each other and she learned a lot about the other members since they would pop in and had each stolen her number and would call her.

When he asked her out the next summer her heart melted when she found out he had gone to see her dad during a stop and asked his permission to see her as well.

They had been together ever since. When she turned 18 she had quite the bank account from small parts in her dad's work and modeling when she felt like it. Her instagram was also quite popular, especially when she and Harry went public.

Her dad had reluctantly agreed that she was an adult and could travel with the guys for their world tour that started after her birthday. She and her dad had no secrets and he knew she loved the man. He was like the perfect mix of all her favorite people. He was also one of the few able to calm the infamous Morgan temper she had inherited.

Getting back to the chase...


She ran through their private floor chasing the guys that screamed like girls running from her. In fairness, she did have a close copy of Lucille she was swinging. But she had told them to stop banging down their door in the morning and let her alarm wake her up.

"Come on, Tomlinson! Lucille is hungry!" She said with an admittedly demented smile. Apparently their shouts for Harry finally woke him up, because on a pass by their room door she was scooped up and brought back in. He held her around her waist yawning. "Put down the weapon, love." He said and she could hear the smile in his voice.

"But babe! They.." Harry calmly shhh'd her and unwrapped her hand from the baseball bat. "No bludgeoning the guys on tour. We've talked about this." He said calmly. The kisses on her neck calmed her down more than anything. "Fine." She pouted, letting him take Lucille Jr.

"She's fuckin' crazy." She heard one of the boys laugh as they went back to the main room. The squeals she heard when she mule kicked the door made her happy. "Come on, Love, let's get showered and you can torment the others more." That got her attention. "Perfect." She said kissing the literal man of her dreams and letting him carry her to the bathroom, kicking the door shut.

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