nightmare and neglect

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Dipper's P.O.V.

I had that nightmare again. I was with a boy who was the same age as me with blond, almost yellow hair and golden eyes. Those were the eyes of a demon you could tell by the cat like pupiles. He was kind and thoughtful unlike most demons. He seemed to care deeply for me and my dream self for him, but why is this a nightmare you ask because we always seem to die in my dreams. We die in each other's arms, but the strange part is this dream isn't always the same aside from the demon boy, the start of the dream always starts in a different time and place.

Mable's P.O.V.

Dipper just had to sleep in of course so I went to go wake him up but when I got to his room, he was awake! Maybe he forgot we are going to the mystery shack. So as the reasonable sister I am, I yelled at him "DIPPER Get Out Of Lala land!" And that snaped him out of it.
"Mable why are you screaming at me" Dipper said in a slightly panicked voice, I brushed it off, and said "We're going to the mystery shack dumb dumb." "Ok I'll hurry up Mom and Dad probably have your breakfast ready by now." He's right I need food and Mable juice!!!!

Stanley's P.O.V.

They're finally coming to Gravity falls I haven't seen them since they were baby's I can't wait. Although Shelly says that the boy's cursed or a demon, I don't think he is but, if he is I'll have to keep him away from Mable and that MONSTER!

imortal eye (billdip) I Discontinued Now I Just Rant. SorryWhere stories live. Discover now