Questions to no answers

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Peashooter had brought Footsoldier for some questions about the whole ordeal. Footsoldier didn't know what to answer. When all of them conducted why Zomboss did this, and that.

More so even it could have been a lie, like last time, but he did know one thing.

Peashooter pov

I need answers for this, like what am I going to do!!" There were many things going on in my mind, like super speed.

"Well, Zomboss did say that he wanted to start new, like if I know what that means." Footsoldier got his helmet to his hands.

"I doubt I will do anything, but I guess I could work at Uno Taco." Pointing to me, I guess he thinks that's the best choice for us. You know I have never thought about what will happen to me, the L.E.A.F base isn't much of use.

What am I going to do, well I could work selling lemonade.


I didn't notice that Footsoldier was trying to go to Uno Taco, I think he's given up on life. I just followed, we were both silent just walking forward.

This day is getting weird, but ok I guess.

When we made it to the place I saw Sunflower walking with Fire Pea. God how I hate it that he is with her. He isn't a good match, he could be cheating on her. I knew that could be a possibility, since he did that with Ice Pea.

Then I had an idea that might work.

Glancing to Footsoldier who just ordered tacos for himself, I knew the perfect plan.

"Hey Footsoldier?" He turns around, probably thinking I want one.

"You want something?"

"Yes." I nodded, seeing Footsoldier order another taco. We both sit at a table in the corner.

"So what did you want?" Footsoldier asked, then biting his taco. I look at my food in response.

"Well I want to prank Fire Pea." I bluntly answered. The face Footsoldier made was surprised and confused.


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