Chapter 8

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My mom was an entirely different story. Being one of the top and most badass female spies out there, she was doing the right thing. Staying in one spot would be too easy for the hundreds of people who wanted to see her dead. It would also give them a bonus because they probably could’ve got me too. I never felt bad about the relationship I had with my mom because the rare times we saw each other, we took complete advantage of it.

We’d talk about anything and everything and she’d tell me how sorry she was and how much she cared about me. I saw my dad way more often than mom, but it was like our flame was burning out. When I was younger, my dad and I were best friends. We would bond over the business and even other things. But now, business is all we ever talk about. Any time I get a call, it’s a question about my training, or my new lessons, or any of the dirty work he has me do for him.

He says I love you, but it isn’t the same as when my mom does. Now I’m not saying my dad just doesn’t love me at all, but everyone could tell the older I got, the busier he suddenly became.

“So how do we tackle this?” I put my phone back in my pocket and zipped it shut.

I took my knife and taser, hooked them on to my belt, then placed my jacket over them.

“When you came in to get me yesterday, how did you do it?” he asked, fumbling with his own weapon.

“Uhh…” Sometimes I got scared to answer some of Kyle’s questions because I would end up feeling so inferior to him.

But that went against my beliefs of girl power, so it’s time to suck it up.

“I waited until the van was a good distance down the street. It was probably about a hundred feet or so. Then I bolted across and ran up to the side of the mansion. Snaked on the bricks then made it into the winery.” I said.

Kyle looked at me for a second, then over to the wall.

“I think we need a better idea than that.” He suddenly stepped away from me and started towards the part of the wall that allowed you to climb it.

“I wasn’t suggesting that, you asked what I did. I think we should first see if the angry neighbors made it to the mansion. After that we come up with the next step.” I followed after him.

“Yeah, doesn’t sound like a stupid idea.” He shrugged.

I rolled my eyes and we both came up to the rock climbing section.

“Boost me up and I’ll check to see if it’s clear.” I put my hands on the highest bricks I could and waited for Kyle.

“How did you get up there last time, no one gave you a boost.”

This kid was so annoying.

“Adrenaline. C’mon, we don’t have all day.” I raised my right foot and felt Kyle’s hands grasp onto it.

I transferred all my weight to my right foot and he pushed me farther until I was able to grab the top of the wall. I moved my feet around, trying to find a place where I could balance myself. Once I found one, I lifted my head and glanced over the wall.

“What do you see?” Kyle asked standing under me.

I squinted until I could see the same black van in the driveway of the mansion.

“That van is there. I don’t see the group anymore so I’m assuming they made it.” I readjusted my grip on the wall, and kept scanning over the landscape.

“Look across the wall.” Kyle directed.

Adjusting my grip again, I pulled myself up higher and looked along the wall.


“I say we go then.” Then I snapped my head down and saw him climbing up next to me.

“Just like that? Don’t we need a plan of action for once we actually get there?”

Kyle was now sitting on top of the wall with one leg on each side, he wiped his hands on his pants and looked at me.

“We improvise.” Then he jumped.

I scrambled to catch up with him and jumped. This time I landed on my feet instead of my face.

“Improvise? What kind of twisted shit is that? This whole project is just a never ending line of plans Kyle.” I trailed behind him.

“I’ve done this a lot more than you, I think I know what I’m doing.”

Can I shoot him?

“Alright then,” I threw my hands in the air and then slapped them against my legs, “so you’re saying just strolling down there is really the safest and smartest way to approach this?”

“Just trust me.” He snapped.

“Yeah, okay.” I said sarcastically.

Even from how far apart we were, I could almost hear his eyes roll in his head.


So obviously, developing Kyle and Alex's reationship is like my favortie part of writing this haha. This was a reall short chapter and I'm sorry. I was kinda having writer's block with this story, but I got some stuff now! And I promise, it's about to be a lot more spy-ish. LOVE Y'ALL SOOOOO MUCH

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