scene 17- tears

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*Warning!* More self-harm! Sad boi :(

"Where do you think Wild went? He's been gone a while."
"Just give him some time. He's... a little upset about something."
"Was it cuz I called him crazy?"
"No, it's something else. It probably has to do with what he was telling me about."
"What was he saying?"
"That's none of your business. He obviously didn't want to tell you, so I won't tell you either."
"Aaaww... "
Wind pouted, crossing his arms and looking at Twilight. He didn't pester him anymore, though. He respected Wild's privacy.

Twilight looked back in the direction Wild had gone.
"You are right, though. He has been gone a while. I'll go check on him."
He stood up and started to walk in that direction.

After walking for a while, he found Wild. Wild was sitting on a rock, resting his chin in his left hand. His other arm was resting on his legs, and he was holding something. He didn't seem to notice Twilight walking over, instead looking in the opposite direction.

When Twilight got closer, he saw red on Wild's left arm. Blood. But Wild was doing nothing to stop it.

"Wild, what happened?"
At the sound if his voice, Wild quickly put whatever was in his right hand on the rock, slightly covering it with his leg, and he covered up his left arm. Instead of signing anything, he spoke.
"N-nothing!" He smiled, bit it was incredibly obvious that it was a fake smile.

Twilight sat down next to Wild and pulled his arm away. He examined it, noticing cuts that were definitely not natural.
"Stop it." Wild pulled his arm away, keeping it close to his chest. Twilight reached over and picked up what Wild had been holding. A knife.
"What on earth were you doing?"
Wild grabbed at it. "Nothing! Give that back."
Twilight held it out of reach. "No. What were you doing?"
"Nothing, I swear. Give that back to me right f**king now or I swear to Hylia I will kill you."
"Wild, calm down."
"I- just give it to me, please."
"Fine. You don't have to tell me what you were doing. But I'm not giving this back."
"Please don't tell the others about this. I- I don't want- don't make then worry about me, okay? Just- just keep this a secret, between you and me, okay?"
Twilight only nodded, already planning to tell Time.


"Um, Time?"
"I need to talk to you." Twilight looked at Wind, then back at Time. "Alone."
Time nodded and stood up. The two of them walked away, to a hidden, out of the way spot.

Twilight looked down. "So, uh, I found Wild. But, um, he had this." Twilight held up the knife, which he had been hiding from Wind. It had a bit of blood on it, which he had noticed on the way back to camp.
"And he had... cuts on his arm."
"And when I took this from him, he threatened me. He kept telling me to give it back. He also asked me to not tell anyone else, but I had to tell you."
"Is that all you're going to say? 'Hm?' You're being pretty useless right now."
"I'm thinking, just wait a second."
"Sorry. I'm just... I dunno."
"Yeah. I guess."
"Tell me, what was he doing when you found him?"
"He was just sitting there, looking into space."
"Okay. I'm not sure what to make of this. He doesn't seem like the kind of person to do that."
"Yet he did it."
"Try asking Sky when he gets back. He might know."


"Oh, hey Wild."
Wild lifted his hand and waved.
"How are you?"
He didn't answer.
"Don't worry about what happened before."
"How? I can't f**king trust anyone."
"That's a bit harsh."
"I don't give a shit. I came here to get away from shit, and I'm just getting attacked left and right. Just leave me the f**k alone."
Twilight said nothing, just looking at Wild. He was keeping his left arm well hidden, like it was something he did often.

Wild walked right past Twilight and over to his sleeping bag. He picked it up and looked at it for a moment, before tossing it back down and muttering something. He walked to the creek that was nearby and sat down. He started throwing rocks into the water. He seemed upset. It made sense that he would be upset, considering what just happened.

Twilight had invaded his privacy. But it was for his own good. He couldn't be doing that. He was still shocked about it. He wouldn't have thought that Wild would do something like that, but then, he was full of surprises. Most of those surprises were bad. There hadn't really been an actually good one yet.


Whatever. He had more knives. That wasn't the only one. He was mostly just upset that Twilight would do something like that to him. He thought he could be trusted, but no. Just taking away his only freaking way to calm down. It wasn't really the only way, but it was the easiest way. It was a way to take out his anger without bothering anyone else.

And now it was gone. Well, not really, but know it would feel like he was bothering Twilight. Twilight obviously didn't want him to do it.

He threw a rock into the water, watching the ripples. Maybe this would calm him down, at least for now.

Just for now.

Playing With Knives- LoZWhere stories live. Discover now