Chapter 2

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Your POV:

Despite Youngae and her encouragement, I still feared for this morning, and I was sure that I wasn't ready. My h/c hair was resting on my shoulders, combed through neatly. I wore something simple, just a white t-shirt and jeans. I didn't want anyone to get the wrong impression, and if I wore anything even the slightest bit more extravagant, I wouldn't be dressing as myself, but rather dressing to impress. I looked in the mirror, before nodding confidently at myself and skipping out of my room.

In in the kitchen, Youngae bounced around the room, with a little jump in her step. She didn't notice me walk in. I sigh, and sit at the kitchen table, leaning my chin on my hand. I pulled out my phone and texted Jae-Hyun, my best friend since kindergarten. This year, when we both started highschool for the first time, we had grown farther apart. Jae-Hyun was super pretty, and she easily fit in with the popular girls. The girls that hated me. That didn't put an end to our friendship, though. Maybe a hold on it, but not an end. Jae-Hyun still waved at me every morning, and said good bye every night. She still texted me atleast twice a week, even if she was only asking for help on a homework question. She still stood up for me, even when her new friends were around. Unlike her, I end up usually spending my time in the library, or out in the field under a tree in our yard, with a book. I had a few friends, but since the beginning of highschool, my grades have been the most important thing.

The night before, I had called Jae-Hyun, who was also a fan of Kpop, and I told her the unbelievable truth. She had fangirled with me for a moment, and then surprisingly, we had talked for hours, about what my new memebers would be like. We had a debate about the memebers being my age or older. She was convinced they would be older then me, but I have a feeling they would be the same age. I mean, why would they put me in a group of idols who are all 10 years older then me? It didn't make sense. We had both agreed upon the fact that my memebers would be girls. That would be the only practical thing.

I turned my phone off and stood up from the table. Youngae was standing by the stove, dancing to a song while flipping pancakes dramatically in the pan. She still hadn't noticed me. I snuck behind her and..


I yelled, and put my hands on her shoulders slightly. Even though it was a total waste of the pancake she was cooking, seeing the expression on her face and hearing her scream was worth it. "Aish, Kid!" She yelled at me, and hit me on the shoulder. I just laughed.


Youngae dropped me off with an excited smile on her face, barely saying 'bye' before she zoomed off. I looked up at the building in front of me. 'BigHit Entertainment' I read, mumbling under my breath. I closed my eyes for a moment, opened them, and walked into the building. As soon as I entered, I spotted Dae-Hyun sitting behind a large desk, yelling at someone. As soon as he saw me, though, he closed his mouth. He walked up to me, and greeted me with a friendly smile and a handshake. "Good morning, Y/N." he says, still smiling. "Good morning," I mumble. "Are you ready to meet the members?" I shook my head yes, but in reality, every other part of me was saying no. I didn't have butterfly's in my stomach-no. I had the whole freakin zoo in my stomach. What if they don't like me? What if they think I'm weird? What if they are all really rude and arrogant? What if they are prettier then me and I get looked down on? These questions buzzed through my head at a million miles per hour. I followed Dae-hyun around the building, completely lost.


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