Chapter 49: The Truth Untold

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'Cause now we are one'

Third Person POV

(WARNING: May be offensive/upsetting to certain audiences. Read at own risk)

Jimin slowly made his way into the house, unsure of what to do. His head was a mess, his thoughts fighting one another. Surely he knew the man he said he loved. The man that said it back. He hadn't known him for that long, perhaps a couple of months or more. Time had flown past Jimin once he entered this bizarre world that he now called home. But now, he was doubting whether or not he should even be doing that.

The house was eerily quiet, something Jimin had grown used to for when Yoongi was at work but this time it offered no comfort. No welcoming familiarity. Just stone cold silence. The mansion seeming to be hostile in its own manner, if that was even possible.

Letting out a deep sigh, Jimin strode up towards his room, tackling the long walk to the second story. His room was somewhere he usually only went to if he had to do some deep thinking, and now was definitely one of those moments. He felt like he had been living with a stranger, which in some sense was true and yet still completely false in other areas. He didn't know much about the business, knowing that the less he knew, the safer he would be. But, he did know more about Min Yoongi. The man that saved him. The man that loved him. The man that for some reason, couldn't pull that damn trigger when their worlds collided.

Laying on his bed, staring up at the ceiling blankly, Jimin tried to weigh up how well he knew Yoongi and how great the possibility of Mission Butterfly being true may be. He had been there for hours, his head spinning as thoughts swirled around, making him feel dizzy, unable to break free of his wild thoughts. That was, until he heard the front door slam shut.

Realising that Yoongi would be coming home now, Jimin arose from the bed, bracing himself for another challenging conversation. Walking slowly out of the bedroom, Jimin made his way towards the stairs at the end of the hallway, suddenly stopping in his tracks as he heard voices.

Yoongi's. That was easy for him to recognise. But there were others. Two, maybe three. They all sounded low and rather gruff, giving Jimin the impression of three rather tall and burley men. He didn't recognise any of them so they definitely weren't any of the others.

Peering over the edge so that he could look down the corridor below, he spotted Yoongi and the men walking towards his office, all of them smelling of alcohol and wearing rather tatted clothes apart from Yoongi who was wearing a loose suit jacket and tight black jeans.

Jimin knew he shouldn't follow, curiosity would end up killing this curious calico cat, but he wanted to know just what was going on whilst he was away. Slowly lowering his feet to the stairs, Jimin tried his hardest to not make any noise as he made his way towards Yoongi's study and personal meeting room. Jimin had only been in there a few times; when he had snuck in once and whenever he wanted to drag Yoongi away from his work so that they could spend time together. But usually the door to the meeting room was open, making it easy to sneak around. This time, it was shut, worrying Jimin even more.

As he came face to face with the large mahogany door, Jimin pressed his ear to the door gently, trying his hardest to listen in. Unable to hear anything, Jimin slowly turned the handle, trying to open the door as quietly as he could so he wasn't noticed. Peaking through the small gap, Jimin saw the men around the mini bar, chatting and joking between themselves as Yoongi sat on one of the leather chairs near it, facing the windows. Luckily, no one seemed to notice Jimin peeking through the gap.

Trying to keep himself as quiet as possible, Jimin watched as Yoongi signalled for the men to join him on the seats around him, to which they all did promptly, showing that Yoongi was definitely their boss. The men sat on the seats blocked by the door, leaving Jimin only able to see Yoongi's face. However, Yoongi's face was hard to read.

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