Chapter 1

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"What else do we need from here, Laurenza?" Normani asked Lauren as she pushed the shopping cart.

"I think that's everything we need Mani..." Lauren looked inside, making sure everything they needed for their new apartment that they had bought.

"Good, because I'm exhausted and the mattress guys said they'd be here in about...three hours." Normani said while the two waited in an open line.

"Three hours? I want to go in the apartment and sleep already." Lauren groaned.

"Apartment? More like we own a condo," Normani smiled making Lauren chuckle.

The two finally got to the front as Normani started putting stuff down.

"Are you two trying to buy the whole store?" A raspy but sooth voice asked.

Normani chuckled, still putting the stuff down as Lauren looked up.

Lauren was about to reply, opening her mouth but quickly closed it when she took in the cashier's face.

She looks beautiful. Lauren, stop. If you fall for her, she could be your next mistake, along with those other ex's.

"Hello? Cat got your tongue?" Camila laughed making Lauren clear her throat.


"I said, are you two buying the whole store?"

"No! We're moving in our new apartment, that's all." Lauren assured.

Camila nodded her head and kept scanning the items.

Lauren stared at Camila as her hair flowed back and forth while she scanned the items.

"Lauren! Stop standing there like an idiot and help me out!" Normani exclaimed nudging Lauren's side.

Lauren blinked frantically, quickly getting the bags.

Normani soon paid for it not letting Lauren get a chance to pay and soon the two were on their way out.

Lauren walked towards the exit, looking back one more time at Camila, meeting her brown eyes.

Camila smiled and lightly waved at Lauren, making her grin widely.

Oh, Lauren totally wanted to see her again.


"Oh c'mon, I totally saw you ogling cashier girl." Normani said as she started to put the food they bought in shelves and the fridge.

"Hm? No I wasn't..."

"Right you weren't." Normani rolled her eyes.

"I wasn't!" Lauren exclaimed making Normani turn around from the shelf and stare at Lauren with disbelief.

"Okay! Maybe I was, Mani." Lauren admitted.

"I fucking knew it!" Normani squealed.

"Shut up, let's just finish this and wait till our mattresses are in. I want to sleep already."


The next day, Lauren woke up after dreaming of those brown eyes. Those brown eyes made her feel fulfilled like that blank space wasn't blank.

Lauren just needed a name, she wanted to know her name. She needed to know her name.

Normani was hanging out with Ally, another one of their friends since all their stuff came in yesterday, literally.

The furniture wasn't coming in about a week but they were wrong. They came with the mattresses.

Lauren got in her car and drove. She ended up at that same store, that building.

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