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"There's probably a million things I could share with Muslims of the World, but I will start with something I hold so deeply in my heart. And that is the concept that no matter what, everything will be okay. In order for us to understand that, we have to know our deen. And I mean really know it. Being able to stay patient during times of difficulty is truly a hard state to reach, but the people who are patient have the greatest reward. In order for one to do this, I firmly believe you have to differentiate between this dunya (which is nothing) and the akhira. No matter how tough your life gets, remind yourself that it is temporary. No matter how many times you commit a sin, seek forgiveness and work on bettering yourself, and continue learning about Islam. I used to think that I was the only girl whose parents are divorced, and grew up with a tough life. I grew up knowing I was a Muslim, but did not understand Islam. I did not understand why my life was difficult and I would ask myself why was I the only person who had a hard life. But a good friend of mine told me otherwise.

We all go through times of difficulty. We all commit sin. It is our duty as Muslims to empower each other, to remind each other ((with hardship comes ease 94:5)). If we took the time to know our religion, we would understand that our problems our truly not as big as we make it seem. If we do our job as Muslims, the tests suddenly are less difficult. You'll see this inner strength come out. The beauty of Islam is that it is easy, it is kind and it guarantees you happiness in this life, and the next.

Know your religion my brothers and sisters, you'll realize how much it will benefit you in this life. Remind yourself that we all are given trials, we all make mistakes. It is how we handle it that makes us different. Remind yourself that it will be okay, and that we are all aiming for the same ending destination, jannah inshAllah." -Mouna Elaydi

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