6: Right and Wrong

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Art: Firebender By Ang Hui Qing

3rd Person

The children of the Fire Lord had been sent away on a forced vacation so their father could speak to his advisors alone. Attending with them were their friends Ty Lee and Mai, both from noble Fire Nation families. Zuko, as always, was enraged about the idea of being told what to do. His sister, Azula, didn't like the idea much either, but she was far more used to keeping her mouth shut and not speaking against her father. Zuko was never good at this, and three years away – where he was in control of every aspect of his journey – hadn't changed that.

Being told what to do wasn't the only reason Zuko was upset, however. He was still thinking about the last conversation he had with his father. Chills rattled his bones at the mere thought of it.

It was still unsettling being in the throne room. He had grown, and yet it felt like the room had grown as well. The pillars which framed the throne towered over him; they were soaked in shadows, the wall of fire catching only the glimmering spine of the spiraling dragons adorning them.

He had only seen his father once since his return when Ozai had revealed that Azula had given him credit for killing the Avatar. He was still trying to wrap his head around it. So, when he was once again summoned to the throne room with Azula, he assumed Ozai had found out and was planning to punish them somehow. Even Azula looked uneasy. Her usual mask was pristine and uncracked, but Zuko knew her well enough to see the tightness in her jaw and notice how her eyes surveyed every exit the minute they entered the room.

They followed the usual protocol when they approached the throne, both children getting to their knees before their father. Ozai was already getting to his feet before they had put their heads down. "Stand," he instructed.

They were obedient.

They watched their father descend the steps of his throne. Both children stood straighter upon his approach. A retched feeling churned in Zuko's stomach when he realized his father's eyes were on him. "As I recall," Ozai began, "you had a companion on your travels for some time." Zuko's heart stopped. "Zhao included her in his reports and your sister," he glanced at Azula, "told me what happened in Ba Sing Se."

Clearly, Ozai wasn't asking, but he stared at Zuko long and hard as if he was waiting for a response. Zuko nodded once. "Yes." He didn't dare unlock his jaw, feeling his lunch slowly begin to climb back up

Ozai turned his gaze to his daughter. "And this is the same girl who attacked you in Ba Sing Se. The one who managed to subdue both of you and over a dozen earth benders with her bending? She bent the blood in your body, is that correct?"

Azula lifted her chin and answered much easier. "Yes, sir."

He turned his eyes to his son once again. "She was a companion of the Avatar as well. That was what Zhao had in his notes," Ozai added before Zuko could even consider lying.

Zuko nodded again. He didn't want to speak out loud, no longer trusting his voice, but it seemed his father expected a verbal response. "Y-yes."

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