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thx to everyone who is constantly supporting this book n trusts me on my plots <3


"I can't do this shit all over again", Lyza said, sitting down on Jungkook's bed. She gave him an awkward smile before she ruffled his hair, "Jungkook, we broke up. 5 years ago."
The boy furrowed his brows, "Why are you here then? What happened with Taejeon? I don't understand-"

"You're with Taehyung now", Lyza explained slowly, eyeing Taehyung who stood in the corner of the room, looking absolutely helpless. "And Taejeon is living with you. I'm here because you got caught up in a real bad accident four weeks ago and I had to take care of our son."
"I'm with Taehyung? How did this happen-", Jungkook asked in confusion, eyes glueing to his best friend. "I think you've always been in love with him, but both of you had been in denial for years-"

"Oh god", Jungkook gulped. "I'm in love with Taehyung???"
Taehyung stepped forward and nodded awkwardly, "You don't have to be, Kookie. It's fine, we can be best friends if that's all you're feeling for me."

Their eyes met for a while. Jungkook hesitated to answer, no clue what to say. "I'm sorry I just don't remember-"
"What mistake were you talking about earlier?", Lyza then asked softly. "What's that thing you remember?"

"I was about to go to a party with Taehyung to hook up with a random girl because I was so pissed off. But I have literally no idea if that ever happened? Please tell me I didn't cheat on you-"

Lyza and Taehyung went silent for a bit until Taejeon started to laugh. "Dad you cheated on Mom for a long, long time-"
"Don't tell me it was with Tae-", Jungkook said, eyes widening in shock. The others were silent again, "Okay fuck", he let out and chuckled. "Oh come onnnn- did we have sex?!?!?!", Jungkook turned to Taehyung, now sitting up in bed and looking at him curiously.

"Uhm-, how do I say this", Taehyung said slowly, scratching his neck while looking everywhere except for Jungkook's eyes. "Sex has basically been the only thing which had always going great for us-"

"EW", Jungkook covered his face in embarrassment, skin turning red with the thoughts Taehyung just put into his head, "God, why can't I remember-"

Lyza could only laugh, "Maybe you will with time, Kookie."
Namjoon nodded now and patted his shoulders, "You guys should go and wait outside. I need to do some check-ups on him and if everything is fine he can leave tonight. We still need to see him everyday to do check-ups but so far his body is fine, it's just the memories he's lacking."

Taehyung nodded. "Alright, do your check-ups." He leaned forwards and pressed a small kiss to Jungkook's forehead, "I'm so glad you're back, Kookie." "Aren't you mad at me?", Jungkook tilted his head in confusion, not sure why no one got mad at him for forgetting five years of his life.
"I don't think I'll ever be able to be mad at you again after almost losing you, Kook. And you don't need to be my boyfriend, to be honest it never works out for us anyways. Maybe we're better off as friends-"
Jungkook nodded, "Let's talk at home", he said and reached for Taehyung's cheek to give him a kiss there too, "Thank you for being understanding.. I'm so sorry I forgot everything, we probably had so many good memories in those five years."

But Taehyung shook his head, "There's not a single one I'd want you to remember. Life has been hard on us."
"When had it not?", Jungkook giggled softly, making Taehyung's heart flutter with the pure sound of this. He missed it so, so incredibly much. "See you in a minute", Taehyung hummed and then walked out so Namjoon and Jihyo could do their check-ups on his body.


"So, we had sex", Jungkook said slowly, sitting cross-legged in front of Taehyung on his bed. "Am I good in bed?"

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