Found You!

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"Kaysen! Kayse! Where are you!? It's not funny anymore! Come out, come out where ever you are!! It's time to go home!"

I can't smell himwhere did he go? "Where could he be?"I thought out loud
{ "Hey! Stop being preoccupied and go find him Jamie"!}My wolf kade said
{ "You were to caught up in euphoria to notice that your best friend is missing!"} kade said"

"I know, I know geez you don't have to be so aspiring about it"!

{ "You should be aspiring about it"!}

"I happed before, last time he was at the ice cream parlor"

{"All vulnerable and stuff yeah"!}

"I mean yeah, but he could handle herself he's  a grown man". I said

{ "Yeah a grown man with the mind of a 5 year old! I thought you two were like affinity! You was suppose to be precautious because of what happened last time, now think deliberately where was the last time you saw him"?}

"Pfft... I don't know one the swings...lookin all exotic ahhh what am I saying!? Did I just say he looked exotic? Nooo did I"? (Cringe as fuck)

{ "Yes you did you pathological piece of cheese you sooo did"!!}

"what no! and I'm not a piece of cheese, in a piece of meat a dominant one at that;) besides why you gotta be so scrutinizing? I swear I will leave you in the isolation box and have you sustained"!

{"oh yeah well here a little info for you when you turn in to your wolf , me we will both feel pain even if we heal fassst"}

"ok chill I was just kidding slow you ro..." before I could finish what I was saying an amazing smell hit me in the fast like a metra train. You see I was born different so I don't get to "smell my mate until after a couple of weeks after my birthday.

"Mmmm what's that smell"?

{"That my friend is your mate, Kaysen go pursue him kiss the man where is he? He's up there in Ariel"}

"ok....WAIT!! You knew where he was the whole time and didn't tell me"?!?!

{"ha ha ha yeah..."}

The end.

Okay so this was just like just to you know write something and it's not that's good soooooo yeah...

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