Chapter 25 (Dawnstar's Past)

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Dawn was looking around the surrounding forest that lay in front of her.

She had just woken up from a deep slumber. Dawn looked up to see her father and mother talking on the roof of the housefolk den that was since abandoned.

Dawn sighed to herself, wondering when they would leave to find a good home.

It didn't take much longer before Dawn's father and mother went down to prepare their departure from the abandoned housefolk den.

"You ready Dawn?" Her father asked.

"I'm ready Sparrow!" Dawn replied with enthusiasm. Sparrow just looked at her then looked at his mate, "You ready Amber?"

Amber responded, "Yes I am. I just need to grab some moss with water to keep us from getting thirsty and to allow us to refill on our way."

Sparrow just nodded and waited for Amber to get the moss. Dawn kept her eyes on the forest that lay ahead.

"Let's do this!" Dawn mewed enthusiastically, not knowing what events would come ahead.


Dawn stared at a figure as her family walked through the night, "Who are you?!" Dawn called out.

The figure just kept its eyes fixated on her. "Answer me you little sh-!" Dawn was abruptly cut off as the figure ran toward her and attacked her. Her mother and father heard her screams as they were running back to see why Dawn called out.

Dawn could see the light ginger pelt of her father running towards her to help. Her father shoved the figure off of his daughter and asked the same thing Dawn asked it, "Who in the hell are you?!"

"..." The figure remained silent.

"Answer me or I will make you answer me!" Sparrow hissed.

"The name's Clyde and you got one fine looking female right here." Clyde mused.

Dawn hissed, "You creep!"

Sparrow started to speak as Amber stood at his side, "We are leaving now. And don't even think about following us!"

Clyde sighed, "I hate to break it to you, but neither of you are going anywhere. You see, I'm apart of this new group of cats. We call it OakCla-..."

Dawn decided to cut Clyde off this time, "If you think we are joining your random group after what you did, then you are hella wrong! We are leaving, whether you like it, or not." Dawn growled.

Clyde shrugged, "Your choice. Ta ya for now!"

Clyde made his way through the thorny foliage, leaving patches of white fur on the thorns.

"Crazy cat to think we would join his random group after attacking me. Whatever group he was a bout to say, I'd rather not join as long as he is in it!" Dawn spat.

Sparrow sighed, "Let's get going. Where we are going, there is a lake that is really big. It'd be a nice place to make home at. Let's waste no more time now!"

Amber smiled slightly. Dawn noticed that her usually bubbly and enthusiastic mother seemed down, like something wasn't right.

Unbeknownst to Dawn, things would change between her and her dad, and her mom


Dawn, Sparrow, and Amber continued their way through the vast forest as they headed to their potential new home.

Warriors Book One: Chronicles of the Prophecies: A Prophecy of FourWhere stories live. Discover now