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As most of you probably know if you have previously followed me on Facebook, I have faith in Christ. This means different things to different people, some may agree with my faith and others may not. However, anybody can read this, old or young, atheist or religious, male or female, I welcome you all.

My Journey So Far

All my life I've known that there is a Jesus and also a God but that was as far as my knowledge went. As I grew, the only bible stories I knew of was Noah's Ark and the birth of Jesus Christ. It was only two years ago at the age of 16 when I got introduced to a church by one of my dearest friends that I really learned more about what it really means to be a Christian (I'll go into more detail later on). Since then it's been a long and bumpy road, I've had doubts, gone months without picking up my bible or praying, I've even been in complete denial about His existence. Still, somehow I always found myself going back to Him.

This time I wanted to give this a real go long term, I want to do the works. I want to learn the art of bible study, fasting and prayer. But most of all, at the end of this I want my relationship with God to be stronger than ever. Just as He said himself in James 4:8 ‘Come near to God and he will come near to you’, so let’s test the waters.

However, I've made the decision to take you on my journey. Sometimes I feel like as a young Christian you get this idea that it’s so hard to have a relationship with Him. I want this to be a real account of my experience, something you can relate to. This 'book' will be a collection of my inner most thoughts, fears, desires, struggles, feelings and experiences over the next year. Everything I write will come straight from my heart and every experience I share will be 100% truth.

If there's anything I've learned so far it's that being a Christian isn't all about shamaracking and dashing anointing oil at people's foreheads. It's about the relationship you hold with God. If you feel like it, then come on this journey with me. I hope that a year from now, I can look back on this, observe my growth and say that it was the best decision I ever made.

Please feel free to contact me or comment whatever you feel, good or bad, you're entitled to your opinion. Either way God bless you and I hope you enjoy reading!

 -  Jen

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