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Spooktober. 6


Peter sat in his favorite class content. Science. He loved it! It was his favorite subject, MJ and Ned were in his class, he had an A+ in it, and his teacher loved him!

The only problem was that Flash was in it... He'd been annoying Peter all day. It was getting really bad. The bully used to keep it at insults but now, it was getting physical.

He would basically attack Peter at any time he wanted. His goons would sometimes help too. Those days were bad. He had to try and hide it from his aunt but failed many times. A few times, May called a conference and yelled at Flash's (Flash just auto corrected to asshole and I'm confused but proud of my phone) parents but they ended up saying they would sue if Flash was punished in any way.

May tries her best to support Peter and herself but it's hard. She didn't have enough money to sue. Nor did she have the time. She would always apologize to Peter for not being able to do enough and the boy would always tell her it was ok. Because it was. He was ok with how his life was.

Back to the class, they were doing some experiment. They had to mix certain substances together and they would get the required chemical. Peter already knew what to do so he distractedly put together his web formula, making sure no one could see what he was doing.

A paper ball was thrown at the back of his head and he just ignored it, knowing it was Flash. "Hey Parker."

Peter rolled his eyes. 'This guy just never stops...' He thought.


"Hey Penis!"

Peter groaned and turned around. "What?!"

Just then, a chemical was splashed in his face. "Shit!" "Mr. Parker. What's with the language!? Oh shi-oot! Peter!" The teacher exclaimed.

Peter rubbed his eyes as if it would get rid of the burning sensation already driving him mad. He yelled in agony. "Peter!" MJ and Ned exclaimed. The whole class stared in shock. 'Flash just splashed some dangerous chemical in Peter's eyes...'

A few seconds later, Peter's phone started to ring. "Answer me you little shit protocol activated."

"Peter?! What's going on? Karen just notified me that you're in distress. Is everything OK kid?" "Mr. Stark!" Peter cried. He was in so much pain. "Pete. Kid what's wrong? What happened? Ned are you in this class?" "Yes sir! Peter got splashed with a chemical!" "Why are you all just standing there?! Do something! Shit. Shit I- I'll be there in a minute."

By that, he meant less than a minute. He was there really quick.

"Peter?!" his kid's eyes were bloodshot.
Tony brought him over to the emergency eye sink that they keep in science rooms.

When Peter was somewhat fixed up, Tony turned to the teacher. "What the hell happened?!" "Sir! My deepest apologies. There was a wreckless student and he did this! Peter are you alright?" "Heh. Could be a lot better but... I'm not screaming in pain..." "Who?" The whole class turned to look at a pale Flash.

Tony double tapped the side of his sunglasses. "...Eugene...Thompson." The color that was once absent from Flash's face returned. "Ah you must know me from my parents. They're pretty rich and do business," he said smugly. "What? No. My AI glasses just did a background check. You've got nothing on your record yet you bully my kid all the time..."

He turned to the teacher. "Why was the bullying never put on his record? You knew about this, yes?" "Yes sir. We've tried but his parents threaten to sue...Our school can't handle loosing any more money. " "Well. I've just wasted my time. Heads up. I want a conference with this Eugene's parents. Tomorrow."

"Y-yes sir."

"C'mon Pete." he grabbed him and flew off to the tower and to Medbay.

"Ok Peter. You can see, right?" "Uh ye-yeah. It still kinda stings and it's a little blurry but both are wearing off. I got lucky..." " Good. OK so kid, I'm going to have a conference with that Clash's parents tomorrow." "Um o-ok." "You alright?" "Ye-Yeah, of course. It's just that... Usually May does that stuff." "Oh well I can call Ma-" "No I'm glad you're doing it. It just surprised me."


"Mr. And Mrs. Thompson," Tony greeted bitterly. "Ah Mr. Stark. I assume this is about our Eugene's internship." "Wha- No dipshit this is about your son throwing chemicals in Peter's eyes. He could've blinded him!" All the people in the room (excluding Peter) looked confused.

"Why are you even here? You're not his father... He's an orphan living with his aunt. Shouldn't May Parker be the one coming?" Peter looked down at the floor at the word orphan. Tony narrowed his eyes. "Your whole family are just assholes aren't they?" "Excuse me Mr. Stark I-"

"I'm suing and your child will be expelled and will not be entered into any good colleges. This is me being nice. All three of you are a waste of oxygen and I'm leaving. C'mon Pete." "O-ok."

For a moment, the two sat in the car in silence. The car sat still in the parking spot.

"Thank you," Peter said quietly.

"No problem kid. They were all ass wipes. Don't listen to them. I wasn't wrong about them being a waste of oxygen. I never am." "Oh so now you're getting cocky?" "What? Never!" He exclaimed playfully.

"Yeah you're right. You always are." Tony laughed and lightly shoved Peter's shoulder, making Peter laugh as well.

"Also, the only reason I know about you being bullied from your aunt. She asked me to protect you. Next time anything- and I mean anything- happens with this dick, I want you to tell me. He has to have some balls to do that again after I just said I'd sue his family and make sure he doesn't get into a good college."

Peter chuckled. "He won't. He's not even good at punching. He just has a really big ego. Like you, but in a bad way." "That hurt my heart kid," the man joked. "But seriously. If he does that again, I will literally take away the law of hurting children for one day, just to punch him without going to jail. Then again, that's too much work. I might do it anyway..." "Noooo."

The two laughed. "Ok kid. Let's get home so you can rest those eyes." They drove off.

The teacher and Thompson family saw the whole thing. Tony Stark truly care for a puny teen.


Words- 1114

Chemical, acids same difference 😂

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