Facts About Me

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- i'm an almost all-rounder
- i can sing, rap, dance and act
- but my vocal range is weak
- i could write song lyrics
- i could read Korean and understand some terms and meanings
- i wrote English, Malay and Korean song lyrics
- not to brag but i wrote the Korean lyrics without using Google Translate
- proud af of that achievement
- fond of K-pop at the age of 9
- learned Korean curse words
- maknae of my family
- is torn whether to be an actor or an idol
- a Malaysian but feels like i'm an American when I speak English
- Korean name is Song Ji Moon
- loves singing, rapping, dancing and acting
- also loves to use accents (British, Australian, Busan, etc.)
- used to love K-pop but then lost interest
- gained interest again because of KHAN and IZ*ONE

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