Chapter twentysix: Christmas day-part two

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We arrive and get out of my car. We pull the boards out of the back seat and walk toward the seating area. were the first ones here. We sit down and look around to see if we see anyone we know.

A red 2014 mustang pulls up and parks by my car. Baley gets out and smiles when he sees us waving he waves back and grabs A red and black galaxy colored board out of the passenger seat.

"That board is sick." Lia sas taking it out of his hands to exaim it.

"Yeah were'd you get it?" I ask.

"My dad got it custom made for me." he says and we nod.

"Yours are cool too." He says looking at my boards.

"there both Mabel's." Lia says and he looks at me.

"You snowboard?" he asks.

"Yeah snowboard, skateboard, long board, penny board." I say looking over my shoulder to a group of girls taking pictures of us.

Uh oh.

"Do you surf?' he asks.

"Never tried it."

"What? Have you ever been to Hawii?" He asks and I shake my head.

"I've been to florida, I lived in Ohio, I went to Myrtle beach for vacation one year but thats it." I say with a shrug.

"Have you skimmed before?" he asks as we walk to the seating area again.

"Yeah in Myrtle. Not a pretty sight." I say.

"How so?" He asks as we sit down.

"Lets just say I did a summersault in the sand and I bled. I still have scars." I say.

"Where?" he asks.

I pull up my sleeve and show him the scar on my elbow. Then I point to my hip.

"Ouch." he says.

"Yeah and literally a day before that happened she was on the track practicing and someone tripped her making her skid across the track." Lia says.

"Ouch." he says.

"Yeah I have scars from that too." I say as Em & Chrissy walk up.

"Hey. Merry christmas." em says giving Lia and I hugs.

"Who's this?" Chrissy asks.

"This is Baley." I say and he smiles.

"Wow. your gorgous." Em breaths.

She realises that she said that out loud and her face becomes tomato red.

"Im gay" he says.

I smack him in the arm as Lia holds back a laugh.

"He's not gay. He's just not looking for a relationship right now." I say shooting him a look.

He leans over to me and whispers "I just don't like her." in my ear.

"You don't have to tell her your gay though." I laugh.

"Well what do I tell her than?" he says.

"I dont know." I say and he turns to Em.

"I dont know." He says and I facepalm.

"Hey sorry were late." Alyssa says walking up with Kat and Nicole.

"Well were still waiting for Matt, Nash, Tasha, Lexi, Nico, Jacob, and justin." I say.

They all sit down and Lia stands up.

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