Chapter 11

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"Tae, it's so noisy here!!!" Hoseok yelled.

"What? I can't hear you hyung?!!" Taehyung yelled back.

They are in a bar where he and their gang wants to have some fun! Like Tae said.

Loud beats and music are playing that makes your eardrums break. "They are late" Hoseok said and sit on a vacant table with sits that can be occupied by them. Taehyung already dancing on the dance floor with champagne in his hands.

"Geez." He said while eyeing Taehyung dancing with a stranger whose body is too close. He didn't know if he should drag Taehyung with him or not. "Poor Jungkook" he said.

He fidgets on his phone and visits his social media account.

"Hey cutie, want some drink?" A guy said and sit beside Hoseok.

"No thanks" he turns down him easily yet respectfully.

"Awe, what a waste.. can I just have your number.. let's chat some other time and hit on each other later on" the guy said and put his hands on Hoseok's thighs and rub them slowly.

Hoseok flickered his eyes on his thighs and take the man's hands off of him.

"I'm sorry but I have a boyfriend" he said bluffing.

"You can cheat. Your so hot to just have one boyfriend" the man said and place his hands once again on Hoseok's thighs.

"Look, if you don't take your hands off of me I'll beat you up," Hoseok said and glared at the guy.

"Oh, you can beat me?" The man said and take Hoseok's chin to face him and was gonna force a kiss when Yoongi put his hands in between their faces.

"What's up babe, who's this guy?" Yoongi said.

Hoseok plays along. He stands up and puts a kiss on Yoongi's cheeks which makes Yoongi caught off guard. "He's harassing me" Hoseok said.

Yoongi cleared his throat and put his hands on Hoseok's waist and pull him close to him and that made Hoseok caught off guard too. "Stop messing with my boyfriend asshole! Do you want to die?" Yoongi said and glared at the guy. The guy put his hands up like surrendering. "Get out of my face"

After the guy walks out, Yoongi takes his hands off and cleared his throat once again. "You must try to defend yourself Hoseok"

"I'm trying too but he is so pushy!" Hosoek whines and a pout shows on his face.

"Did he do something to you?" Yoongi asked.

"Nothing hyung. It's ok now, thanks" Hoseok said and sit on a chair.

Taehyung on the other hand still dancing with the stranger. Their body is too close that the guy grinding on his crotch.

"You are so beautiful, darling. Wanna have some fun tonight?" The guy said and put his hands on Taehyung's waist to grind more. Taehyung moans to the sensation and looks at the guy who's smirking.

"I would love to.. b-but... I'm with my friends" Taehyung said.

"Then ditch them" the guy said on the back of his ears and putting small kisses on his neck. "Fuck!" The guy said. He is now turned on by Taehyung's moan.

"KIM TAEHYUNG!!" a shout from Taehyung's behind. The sounds of music are so loud but that voice, he can hear it.

Fuck, I forgot! I have a boyfriend!!.

Taehyung immediately pushes the guy and turns behind to saw Jungkook who looks angry and for the first time, he feels scared.

"Who's that guy darling?" The guy said and once again put his hands on Taehyung's waist. Jungkook flickered his eyes on Taehyung's waist.

"Get your hands off of him" Jungkook said calmly yet deadly. The guy gulps and takes his hands off Taehyung's waist. "Then.. see you later, darling" the guy said and look at jungkook once more before pecking Taehyung's lips and getting out.

"Jungkook, I—"

"I get it."

"No Jungkook... I—"

"I know.. for you, you don't love me. But for me, I love you a lot. So it's so fuckin' hard to not get jealous but please if you will cheat on me.. please take consideration! Don't make me see it. It's so fucking hurts" Jungkook said.

"I'm sorry Jungkook.." Taehyung said can't able to face Jungkook and for the first time.. he was scared.. he was scared of losing Jungkook.

"Don't worry. I won't break up with you because I love you" Jungkook said and walk out to sit at their tables.

Hoseok feels the awkwardness of the atmosphere but this time this is not from Yoongi and Jimin.

"Why so quiet guys? We're here to have fun! To send Jimin off happily before going to the states!" Jin said and put alcohol on their glasses.

"For Jimin!!" He yelled.

"For Jimin/me" they all yelled and drip their glasses on one shot.

Hoseok flickered his eyes on Taehyung and Jungkook. Jungkook, who is now silently gulping his alcohol while Taehyung just playing with his alcohol and throw a glance at jungkook occasionally.

"Thank you for supporting me guys. I will miss you a lot" Jimin said and wipe his fake tears.

"You deserve it" Yoongi said and put a smile.

"Yes thank you" Jimin said and smiled which make his crescent eyes show.

"Don't forget our gifts" Namjoon said.

"Of course. I will send it to you guys when I earn money" Jimin said.

"I will miss you a lot Jiminie," Hoseok said.

"Of course hyung, I will miss you a lot too. You are my favorite hyung out of these dorks" Jimin said and slightly giggled.

"Yaah!" The dorks complained.

They drink and drink until they all get wasted but not Namjoon because he is in charge of driving. (A/N; looool, namjoon is driving) it is past 1 am most of them are sleeping.

"Why the fuck did I agree on this?" He said and one by one put the members in the car and because they go separately and he is the only one who brought a car they didn't fit well. "Ughhh!!" For sure, Namjoon is annoyed by now.

He makes Hoseok seat on Yoongi's lap and put Jimin on Taekook's lap and put Seokjin on the driver's seat.

He first takes the Taekook couple to their houses. Namjoon is so stressed about how to take Jungkook's keys from his wallet. "I'm so exhausted god!" He said and rolled his eyes. He throws the two on the bed and didn't bother to change their clothes cause he's exhausted as fuck. He surely locks the door before leaving the two.

Next is Jimin who sleeping quietly Namjoon feels bad because Jimin lives alone right now and no one will take care of him when he wakes up leaving hungover stuff on his table and bottled water. He wipes Jimin's sweats and changes his clothes. "You better give me a gift." He said and giggled showing his dimple and locking his door too.

Namjoon came back to the car and saw Seokjin groaning. "What? Sober up?"

"No.. my head is spinning... I want to go home" Seokjin said and put his head on the car's window.

"Ok, I'll just take Yoongi and Hoseok home" he said and eyed Yoonseok through the mirror. Yoongi wakes up and lifts Hoseok next to him and put his arms on the younger's shoulder and gently pats his hair and closed his eyes.

"I wonder if they like each other" Namjoon mumbles.

Yo! I'm gone for too long!! Hope someone still reading this mess. Lol hahahaaha ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯

edited: 08/19/22

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