Heya 👋

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Hey, sweethearts!

I just want to say thanks so much for reading this and it's been an incredible journey with you all. I'm so grateful for your support and your feedback and I'm incredibly happy that you all loved this so much! I never intended for this to be more than a three part story but you all inspired me to write more. I couldn't be grateful enough. Thank you for reading Safe Space.

But this isn't the end for little Katsuki and Shouto!

I've begun to write a sequel and will be posting approximately 2 days from now with the first chapter (along with some other works that I've been holding hostage) and I hope you all love it just as much. I'll be updating here once it drops so you all know that it's out.

Again, thanks so much! Love you guys. This is the most amazing community ever!

See you soon! ✌❤

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