BNHA Part 10

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Midoriya:Shackles...? | Gran Torino:"I have to get stronger quickly," you say. (gets up from holding Midoriya down) It's true,time is not on your side-nor on your enemies'. And they won't wait for you to get stronger. (gets his cane) You're thinking of One For All as something unique. | Midoriya:So what should I do? | Gran Torino:You gotta find that answer for yourself,I'm heading out to buy some grub.

Gran Torino:Clean up the place for me,why don't you? | Midoriya:Huhhh...?

My respect...


Manual:Usually I'm just waiting around for a call to come in,but lately,well...Hosu's been in a bit of a panic. | Ida:Because the number of patrolmen has been downsized? | Manual:That's right. Sure is nice to have Ingenium's little brother with me though. | Ida:...

The Hero Killer...A phantom that even modern law enforcement hasn't been able to catch. It may all be in vain,but I can't help but want to pursue him...because I can never forgive him...

--At the League of Villains base--

Stain:I get it...You're the ones who assaulted U.A...and you want me to join your little gang. | Shigaraki:Yeah,exactly. When it comes to being evil,you're a pro. | Stain:And what're you after? | Shigaraki:We want to kill All Might,eventually,but I also want to destroy everything I don't like. Like...these two brats,for instance... (Shigaraki shows two pictures of Midoriya and Aeden) Everything!

Stain:It's ridiculous that you really had my interest for a second,there...You're...hahh...The type I hate the most. | Shigaraki:Huh? | Stain:As if I'd team up with some temper-tantrum throwing child...Bloodlust without conviction is meaningless.


Kurogiri:Sensei...shouldn't I stop him?!

???:No,this is fine. There's no sense in simply telling someone an answer. He must be taught to reach those conclusions himself! We must help him mature. That's what "education" really means.


Midoriya:My respect for All might is shackling me. I should understand how to use it,and I've been thinking of One For All as more unique than it is.

Is that why my moves are so stiff? What does "stiff" mean in the first place? I guess the opposite would be "loose"......Loose...

Midoriya:...! That's it! (he gets his notebook)

I was thinking of it as some supersecret,last-resort trump card.

Midoriya:Right...quirks are just extensions of our bodies! I have to...I have to use One For All more evenly!

I can't believe I never noticed after all the time watching HIM up close!

Midoriya:Right! Of course! I was just blindly accepting it all and learning by rote,but...


Dad:Watch your six! | Aeden:Got it!

Villain:Don't get cocky!

A large mutant villain stands over me as I ready his next attack. Her quirk seem to turn her into some sort of spider with holes on the palms of her hands. She moves her hands in front of me and shoots her web,I dash into the sky and spiral down behind her.

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