Chapter 11

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After Harry didn't show up to school the next three days, Louis became worried, and it was starting to effect his work. He couldn't focus on teaching, and he was constantly wishing to just text the boy. He texted him a few times already, but he wasn't responding. Whatever happened a few days really messed Harry up, but Louis had no idea what was going on. Louis spotted Jason walking down the hallway, and it was getting too much for Louis, so he called after him.

"Jason!" He turned around to Louis when he heard him coming. "May I ask you something?" Of all people, Jason knew that Louis and Harry were close. 

"Hi, Mr. Tomlinson," Louis' polite smile changed when he remembered the reason that he was talking to Jason in the first place. 

"I need to ask you something," 

"Shoot," Louis cleared his throat. 

"Do you know if Harry's alright? He hasn't been in class, and I know you two were good friends," Jason didn't know that Louis knew that he was gay, so he had to be careful with his wording. Jason's eyes widened slightly at the question because he knew exactly what happened, and he didn't want to get in trouble, but this was Harry they were talking about. Jason didn't do anything wrong. At least, that's what he thought. He didn't hurt Harry physically, but he did just watch Jacob molest Harry and hardly stopped the dude. 

"Um, can we go into your room?" It was Louis' free period, so they'd have some privacy. The two went into the classroom and sat down in the student desks. "I don't know if you know, I'm sure Harry has talked to you about it since I know that you're really close.He trusts you and is really just comfortable when he's around you. But I am gay, and the two of us dated, which is why I know that you guys are more friends than teacher and student, which is why I'm telling you this," Louis was getting more and more worried about his Harry. "I don't know if he even wants me telling you this," Louis was scared. What the hell happened to his boy? 

"You have to tell me. He trusts me,"

"I know," Jason said, nodding. He had tears in his eyes, remembering the event that occurred just a few days ago, that he was apart of. This was partially his fault, and for the past three days, the thought of what he was part of named him want to be sick. 

After letting in a huge breath and then letting it out, he told Louis everything. Louis was angry-- no, Louis was beyond pissed and it took everything in him not to strangle Jason. 

"You just stood there? Letting that happen to him?" Louis had tears brimming his eyes. "H-He, I don't know if he told you this, but this is the exact reason he left his old school. This exact thing happened to him there! Why can't this kid get a fucking break! You care for him, so why didn't you do anything? I understand you were closeted. I get that, but why couldn't you get him out of that situation?" Louis was crying now. He got up and ran his hand through his hair, seconds away from calling Harry. He needed to see him and make sure that he was okay. "Do the cops know?"

"Y-Yeah, I told them. I'm sure Harry's mum knows too. She probably called them as well. We're all being brought in for questioning," Louis raised his eyebrow.

"You told the cops?" Jason nodded.

"I had to. How could I not? I fucked up and all of us deserve whatever punishment we get," 

"You won't go to jail," He nodded. "You defended him. Even though you stood there watching, you did eventually stop it. And I thank you for that. It was brave," Jason just shrugged.

"I was a coward, really," Louis shook his head.

"No, if you were a coward, Harry would have been-" Louis couldn't finish the sentence, but Jason got the point and just nodded. "You saved him," 

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