Funny Thing, Love

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Once the sunrise neared, a blue bird with magestic feathers flew through the balcony and landed on the bed's end, crooning quietly, just enough to make the humans aware of her presence. The hunter just held onto Keith tighter, refusing to wake up, to which Blue replied by jumping on what she believed to be his leg.

Keith woke up with a startle, ripped away from a peaceful dream by something hitting him just below the knee. He shot up, only held down by Lance's surprisingly strong grip, and immediately relaxed again when he saw the blue bird flutter up, content with having woken at least one of them up.

For a moment there, he had truly believed someone had caught them, had pictured his father standing over them with that untelling expression on his face, second before striking and- Keith shivered, setting the thought aside, and lay back down.

It was still early, before sunrise, a little earlier than he would usually wake up. But he didn't mind. This gave him the opportunity to look at the masterpiece before him. He had to tilt his head up just the slightest bit to see his lover, hair wildly ruffled against the soft pillow, eyes still closed and just a little bit of drool in the corner of his mouth. Beautiful.

He pulled one of his arms out of Lance's grip and trailed his thumb over the boy's jaw, marveling in the soft skin, trailing over the constellation of freckles.

"Good morning," he whispered. When Lance didn't react properly, Keith just chuckled and elbowed him gently in the ribs. "I said, good morning," he repeated a little louder.

His cheer was nearly tangible, and who could blame him after such an amazing dream. There was something about it that just stayed with him. Maybe because it was, in some way, so incredibly realistic. The place they'd been looked so much like the Castle, but way more heated, and not just due to the fire. It was just... Good. Just good. And Keith wanted to make it a reality, someday. Whether this was before or after he married another, Keith didn't know.

"Baby," he giggled. "It's time to wake up. I'll push you out of bed if you don't get up, Lancey."

When Lance still didn't move, Keith gave him a gentle, testing push first, before using raw violence and attempting to shove Lance off the bed, which proved to be difficult with the hunter's arms still wrapped around him.

It was no secret the hunter wasn't a morning person. Between the loud of the day and tough work, he found this peaceful moments of calm and bliss so rare, he wasn't physically able to let go. Let go of the lulling sleep and warmth of his lover.

In the sleepy fog of his mind he'd been able to feel his soft touch, the cheerful words tickling his ears and his failed attempts to bring him back to reality, finding it fairly amusing. At the 'Lancey' mention, the corners of his lips curled in a faint smile just as amused, and then he felt his body slowly being pushed and rolled near the edge of the bed. He quickly thought and came to the conclusion that, since he was still hugging Keith, he could fall with him and get hit with the weight of both of them, so as he felt he was near falling he rolled with force and over Keith, squishing him.

"I can't believe you were about to push me out! I feel so betrayed," he said in a dramatic tone as his eyes grew used to the light, chuckling deeply at the prince's - once more - failed attempts to get him off.

He then let go of Keith and supported his weight on his elbows, cupped his cheeks and gave his lips a long peck, looking into his eyes dearly afterwards.

"Buenos días, cariño," he whispered, taking a moment to appreciate the gorgeous boy beneath him, his messy yet organized onyx hair and his violet eyes full of cheerfulness, that happy, lovely expression, before giving him another kiss and sitting up. His previous bad dream and difficult night had been forgotten under the sunrays of a new day and his soulmate's almost tangible love, and he felt almost as good as new.

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