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As you can see, I got rid of the "spooktober" part in the titles. I feel like this is better

a lot of this will probably be in 3rd POV bc I like it lol


That's all Peter knew at the moment.

It was only emotional at first, but now, it was physical. He felt like his throat was being stabbed. Blood trickled out of his mouth. He didn't understand what was going on in the beginning. It could've just been a small cold, but no. It was something much worse...


"Hey Mr. Stark." Today, Peter has been a bit gloomy. He felt sick inside. A bit achy. His throat was scratchy. He'd been so distracted all day. He found out that he likes MJ. Not just like, loves. He loves her so much.

He wants to be with her. To feel her lips on his. To have a future with her.

Why did he feel this way? Why would she ever love him?

"Hey kid. Is everything ok?" "Yeah. I just... I don't know... I think I like MJ but... she's one of my best friends... I don't know..." "Ah. Teenage angst." "Heh yeah... teenage angst." "You'll figure it out Pete. You always do." "Thanks." The two got to work and sat in a comfortable silence until Peter felt a scratching at his throat and started coughing. When the fit didn't stop, Tony looked at him with worry. He rolled his chair over and patted him on the back a few times.

"Jeez Pete. What happened?" "I-I dunno." He was still slightly coughing and suddenly something soft laid there on his tongue, making him want to gag. He spit it out and realised it was a small, pink, petal. 'Huh... weird...' he thought.

He didn't give it another thought the rest of the night. There was nothing to worry about, right?

Days later, the coughing fits continued. It was driving him mad. Was he sick?! Did he need some medicine?! And those damn petals kept showing up! What was going on? The whole time, his feelings only grew for MJ but... she could never love him! He was Puny Peter Parker!

Peter sat in the corner of the bathroom during lunch. He threw up. Petals. How is that even possible?

When he finally got home, he went straight to his room and did research. 'What does it mean when I'm coughing up flower petals? Is it some sickness,' he typed. The first thing that popped up on the page was Hanahaki. When he clicked on the page, horrific pictures popped up of people with their mouths overflowing with flowers. Blood, sweat and tears were mixed on each person's face. They looked like they were in agony.

Tears pooled in his eyes as he read through the article. It was an exact description of what he felt like. Strong feelings for someone. The burning throb in your chest and throat. The endless bouts of coughing. The petals. Soon it could be flowers flowing out of his mouth like a faucet.

But wait...
It could be fake right?

He had to call Tony. He probably knew about this stuff! Shakily grabbing his phone, he dialed his father figure.

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