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I stuck my hands in my hoody pockets as I walked next to Namjoon and stared at all the real couples walking by, holding hands or kissing each other and then having a quiet giggle with each other. Namjoon was talking but I wasn't listening properly. I was just answering with short answers and Namjoon elbowed me.

"Are you tired?"

I nodded, "A little bit,"

"Did you want to get some dinner before we go back to the room?" Namjoon asked.

"Sounds like a plan," I said and we walked towards the exit of the theme park. We walked in silence as we walked down the road passing a few shops that were still open. Namjoon elbowed me again and pointed at a shop.

"Want to go in?"

"For what?" I asked.

Namjoon shrugged, "I don't know. To have a look around. I don't want to go back too soon. It's still early and I could probably get you something,"

"And why would you want to get anything for me?"

"I just feel like it," He said, "Ah, do you have a dress for your friend's wedding?"

I sighed, "No but I-"

"Then let me get you one!" He said grabbing my hand from my pocket, "Let's go. I will give you an honest opinion but I'm sure you look good in any dress,"

I groaned, "I hate dress shopping,"

Namjoon grinned, "Yeah? Then this won't take too long. Excuse me!"

The saleslady looked up and smiled, "Hello. How can I help you?"

"She needs a dress for a wedding coming up,"

The lady looked me up and down trying to hide her disgust, "Wedding dress?"

"No," Namjoon said, "And if you want me to buy a dress from this shop you will show a little more respect,"

"I-I am-"

"Forget it," Namjoon said, "We'll go somewhere else,"

"Namjoon!" I said as he dragged me back outside, "You-"

"I didn't like the way she was looking at you," He muttered and pulled me to the next store, "I prefer this brand anyway,"

I sighed, "I won't be able to pay you back. I can't afford these dresses!"

"I told you that I'm buying it for you," Namjoon said and pulled me towards the girls standing behind the counter, "We need help,"

"What can we do for you?"

"She needs a dress suitable for a wedding," He said pushing me in front of him, "Tell them what you like,"

"I can't remember the last time I wore a dress," I muttered.

"That's not a problem," The girl smiled at me, "We can try on different styles, long and short so you can choose which one you feel more comfortable in,"

"Do you have a price range?" The other girl said.

"No," Namjoon said, "She can have whatever she wants. Oh, shit. Haewon, do you have heels?"

"You can't be serious," I said, "I'm not wearing heels and a dress,"

"You are going to a wedding," Namjoon smiled, "I'm sure your friends will be upset if you don't wear heels. I can always call them,"

The girls let out a small squeal and we looked at them.

"Sorry," One said with a blush, "It's just so cute to look at you together,"

"You make such a cute couple!"

Namjoon and I glanced at each other, then quickly looked away.

"Alright," I muttered, "Let's get this over and done with. I hate playing dress up,"

"Ok," The girl said, "I'll grab a few dresses. Some will be short, long, strapless or Bardot dresses,"


"Off the shoulder dresses," Namjoon said and we looked at him, "What?"

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"I went shopping with my mum when I was little. I guess I never forgot the type of dresses she likes. But seriously, shut up and get a dress. The store will close soon,"

"Don't worry about that," The girl said, "We won't leave a girl in need. Let's get shopping,"

The girls dragged me to a changing room, handed me a dressing gown and told me to get in it. I let out a sigh and they went shopping. There was a knock on the door and Namjoon popped his head in.

"Haewon, is everything ok?" He asked.

"I'm alright," I said, taking my top off in front of him, "I guess I'm not used to this treatment,"

Namjoon smiled, "I'm sure you'll find someone who does this for you,"

My heart dropped into my stomach and I cleared my throat, "Y-yeah. I...I guess so,"

"I'll wait outside for you," He said kissing my cheek, "Just relax ok? I won't be horrible and if my mum took me shopping instead of my dad, then you should feel more comfortable. I will help you out,"

I forced a smile and he left me alone with my thoughts and feelings. I quickly pulled the dressing gown on and sat down on the seat in silence. There was another knock on the door and the girls came in with a few dresses.

"Ok," She said, "I wasn't sure what colour you wanted to go for, but it looks like you prefer a darker tone,"

"We have a plum colour, dark red, blue and emerald green to start,"

"Does any dress stand out?"

I bit into my lip, "If I had to choose, it would be the plum one,"

"Ok. Let's try that on first then," The girl smiled, "I have the perfect shoes to go with that dress!"

They quickly stepped out of the room and I pulled the dress on, checking myself out in the mirror. I bit into my lip again and turned side to side. I had to admit, the dress really did hug the curves that I had and my ass looked great.

The girl poked her head in and handed me the shoes with a big grin on her face. I thanked her and slid the shoes on not wanting to leave the room. But I had no choice because she grabbed my hand and yanked me outside.

Namjoon was chatting with the other girl and she stopped talking to look at me. She had a big grin on her face and clapped her hands, making Namjoon turn to look at me. His eyes went wide and I stood awkwardly as his eyes wandered up and down my body.

"You're making me feel uncomfortable," I said, "Say something already,"

Namjoon cleared his throat, "You...wow. Just, yeah,"

"So, that's a good comment?" I asked.

"Yeah," Namjoon said getting to his feet, "Um, I think...yeah. Ok. I'll buy the dress and shoes,"

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