First Kiss

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You and George were best friends. You were always seen together laughing and having fun. Over the time you both developed a huge crush on each other. Every one else noticed but only you two seemed to be oblivious to it. 

Poor Fred had had enough of hearing about you from George and about George from you, every single time he was alone with one of you. So he told you both to just admit your feelings to the other. 

It was Tuesday night, which was your game night. You decided to play Snitch Snatcher! a boardgame simulation of the famous sport Quidditch. You were so into the game that you didn't realise that the common room had emptied and it was just the two of you. This was the perfect moment to confess your crush.

You both went quiet and didn't dare to look at each other, which would have been a strange sight to anyone that would've walked in, because normally you two were the loudest out of all the students. But now the silence was going on for a really long time. You just had to get it out and over with right now, you couldn't stand keeping it to yourself anymore. George had the same thought...

"Geo..." "Y/N..." You both spoke up at the same time. 

"Oh, you first" George said with a soft smile on his lips.

"No, no, you say it." You replied with a face decorated with red cheeks.

"Okay, as the gentleman I am, here it goes: Ladies first." George smirked.

"Damnit Weasley, you got me there." You said, a giggle escaping your lips.

"Okay here goes nothing... I.. uhm I.... I  l-like you." You said stammering. You looked down immediately, afraid you ruined an amazing friendship with those 3 stupid words. You really regretted confessing. Stupid Fred, why did you listen to him in the first place? On top of all of this, George actually started laughing. Great, just great, the one boy you really enjoyed being with, laughing at you.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that, I know it's stupid... I really just hope this doesn't mess up our friendship an-" You were shut up by George's index finger pressed on your lips.

"I'm laughing because of relief, Y/N, because the thing is, I really like you too. I was just so afraid you didn't think the same way." George said, still laughing a bit through his words. 


You and George looked at each other, you saw George eyeing you up and down and his face, which was plastered with a big grin earlier, was now filled with lust. The same happened to you. Now you knew George liked you too, you wanted nothing more than to taste his soft-looking lips. 

You both moved forward to each other with maybe a bit too much speed. You bumped your foreheads together and jolted back in pain. As you looked up to each other, both covering the bruised spot on your foreheads, you started laughing your heads off. You then said your goodnights and went to bed. You drifted off soon, not knowing that you were having a day ahead of you, full of explaining the identical bruise on both of your foreheads.

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