The party

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When the kaboom members arrive to their destination, they went inside and were amaze on how the place looked.plants were dancing,some were drinking lemonade and punch,and there was flashing lights. " soooo,what should we do first? Said nightcap."how about we get a couple of drinks" said spudow.the team went to get some drinks and sat down in a booth. But then nightcap saw a man in the corner that just looked at him. The man was underneath some shade,so it was hard
for nightcap to pinpoint who it was. "Nightcap,NIGHTCAP !!!" Yell solar flare.ahh,yelled nightcap. "You ok dude,you looked liked you were staring off in space."yeah I'm fine,sorry I just saw some guy looking at us". "Umm what guy" said the captain. "Hey guys the dance off is starting". Then a beet
was coming to the stage to make his announcement. Ladies and gentlemen!,I would like start the dance off,with first some consistents. As the plant finished the announcement,solar raise her hand into the dance off."what's this?, a consistent,tell us your name young lady. "*blushing* solar flare."alright young lady and who is your dance partner?" As solar moved her finger,she chooses nightcap to the stage.nightcap was blushing and a little afraid but he came to the stage."what's your name sir?" "N-nightcap". Good,now let's begin.the music started to play and solar and nightcap were holding hands together and danced with nightcap in a romantic way that made them both blush. While solar and nightcap were dancing,the captain and spudow were watching Them dance and rooting for them(no pun intended).minutes later,the music stopped and nightcap and solar stopped dancing. "Hey that was actually pretty fun" said nightcap while solar gives a little giggle. They both looked into eachothers eyes and then started to pull in for a kiss. But then,the man from the corner popped out of the shadow to reveal himself as electric boogaloo."oh come,we were just having a good time"angreyily repinled solar flare."ha you guys got good moves,but I can do better.then he summoned dancer zombies and minions,while spudow and combustible came to help and the battle was on.

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