16 | Needy

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Friday arrived so slow, adding more pain to events that happened on Monday.

Neither Zion or Teagan approached me, both not even looking my way.

Well, Teagan did offer me a few glances, but made no attempt to talk to me.

Edvany didn't chose sides, and I was grateful for that, even though it made me feel like a burden for even separating us at all.

Adara, our friend that hung out with another group, sent speculating glances our way, but decided to keep out of our business. I really didn't know how her and Gabriel were even related.

I missed Teagan's voice. I missed her advice and reassurance.

So when I had been deprived of it, I craved something else even more.

I hated myself for even thinking of alcohol, but falling into that cycle felt more appealing than ever.

The party Anton mentioned to Mia created a cluster of talk about it, and I knew the whereabouts.

All I had to do was walk a few minutes. Our town was small, so I'd make it there quick enough to have a few drinks and come back home.

Maybe I'd forget all about Riot, just for a few moments.

The more I thought about it, the more I was convinced that I had to get a drink.

I rummaged my closet, my gut telling me to stop.

My gut also had to tell me to stop eating, but it never did, so it could shut up for this one time.

I wore a black crop top, leather brown jeans and a short brown jacket. I ditched my necklaces this time, feeling that I would suffocate if my neck was adorned in them.

Throwing on my white sneakers, I grabbed my phone and fled the house.

I didn't know where everyone else was, the thought of them absentmindedly slipping my mind.


The thumping vibrations of the music pounded on the ground.

I could feel my heart beating the same, frantic and uncontrolled.

It was just as I had expected the outside of Gavin's house to look like. Red cups were already decorating the grass yard, and it made me cringe.

People were mingling in small groups, some drinking, others smoking.

I didn't even realise my breathing was laboured until someone tapped my shoulder.

"Pearl!" Mia's voice pierced my ears, louder than the sound of the music.

"Hi," I mumbled, glancing away from her.

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