29 - I Warned You

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- A Week Later -

- Aurora's POV -

I miss you Ollie. Please come back to me. Its been days since the guys came back and told me Ollie was kidnapped. They had killed the gang members and tortured the leader for information but he died too quickly before giving anything useful. Happy has been trying to track him non-stop. He told me Ollie had a tracker implanted in his skin but the signal is weak and cuts in and out.

I can't eat, I can't sleep. I don't want to do anything but find my Ollie. Even Rajah senses my stress and it's made him as cranky as I am. He snapped at Archie the other day for trying to give me a hug. He almost bit her hand, but she moved out of the way just in time. Every day since they came home, I go to check on Happy's progress. I walked in and see him hard at work, typing away at a black screen with green writing all over it. He hears the door open and turns to me.

"Hey sugar pie." He greeted me like he usually does and turns back around. I walk over to him and sit down next to him, rubbing my tummy. Rajah sits down next to my chair and rests his head in my lap.

"Please tell me you're a little closer to finding him. Even the smallest bit helps." I could feel the tears forming but hold them back and run my fingers through Rajah's face fur.

"I'm close. I just need a stronger signal from him." He doesn't look at me, he just keeps typing.

"What do you mean?"

"Oliver's tracker is also a lifeline monitor in a way. I'm getting a signal, meaning he's still alive but it keeps cutting in and out. I can't get a strong enough signal to pin point exactly where he is. Most likely whoever took him is keeping him either knocked out or drugged." Suddenly the computer goes nuts. Binging off the hook with the strongest signal we've had in a week. "Got him!" Happy hollered and kissed my head. "Okay, it seems he's being held here." He pointed to the map on the screen. "Let's go get him before whoever has him decides to move him." I nodded excitedly. We walked into the living room where everyone was sitting quietly. Not even Derek was his lively self without Ollie around. "I know where he is. Pack your shit boys! We're going to get our leader back." Happy announced. For a week, everyone was moving slow and sulking about the house. This is the most I've seen them move and act in days. I turn to head to my room but Bucky stops me.

"Where do you think you're going?" He looked at me confused.

"I'm going too."

"No the fuck you're not. Oliver would kill me if I brought you with us." He shook his head.

"Look Bucky, either you take me with you and we rescue Ollie together, or Im going to tell Rajah to bite you.... hard. Take your pick." He looked at me in shock and I know why. I've never been this violent towards him before and I've never threatened him before. He looks at me for a long moment before sighing.

"Fine, but we take Rajah for your protection." He rolled his eyes. I nodded and went to pack my things. Don't worry Ollie. I'm coming.

- Oliver's POV -

Again, I'm waking up from another black out. Between the beatings and the drugs they are pumping into me daily, I've started to hallucinate. Some nights I think I see and feel my angel next to me but she's gone within seconds of appearing. I miss you angel. I hear the door open and see the two psycho bitches enter the room.

"Are you ready to be mine and give yourself to me?" Claire asks the same fucking question everyday, multiple times. I lift my head weakly and look at her.

"You keep asking me that and I keep refusing. Are you seriously this stupid to think my answer will change just because you hit me with your little girly taps or pump me full of drugs? No bitch. I will kill myself before I ever get with a desperate slut like you." I spit at her feet. She laughs and turns to Mya.

"How could I be so blind Mya? I know why he won't accept me." She tilted her head to the side.

"Why is that Claire?"

"I need to eliminate the exsisting problem first." She goes quiet and turns to me. "Aurora." The moment she said my angels name my body flushed with adrenaline. Every fiber of my muscles had strength and I had no idea where it was coming from. I struggled hard against my chains. Claire and Mya share a look. "I think that's a yes." She giggled. "Find where she is. I want to pay her a visit. Signal me on the walkie when you've located her." Mya nodded and left.

"You get anywhere near her and I will..." She stopped me.

"You won't and can't do anything tied up and drugged my love. But don't worry. I will take care of our little problem and then we can be together." She walked over to me and straddled my lap, cupping my face. "Ever since I laid eyes on you, I wanted you. You're sexy, tough and dangerous. Just how I like my men." She licked my face. "Once that little problem is delt with, you and I will be happy together baby. I can take better care of you than that shy little brat ever could. I bet she doesn't even know how to satify a man like you." Her hand traveled down the chains until she reached my dick. She grabbed it and began massaging it. Before she could go any further the walkie started going off. Thank god. "What is it Mya?"

"Claire we.... Ahhh!" Mya screamed and the walkie went static silent.

"Mya? What the hell is going on?" Claire asked in a panic. "Mya damnit answer me!" Suddenly a familiar roar shook the empty room, making Claire jump off me. "What the hell was that?" I couldn't help but laugh as relief washed over me in magnificent, overwhelming waves.

"I warned you. Messing with me has consequences, and now you will reap what you sow." I smiled. The door to the room busts open and I see my guys with my angel and Rajah behind them. As she made her way to the front, her eyes met mine and I felt life in me again. My demons came alive and I felt stronger than ever.

"You!" Claire screamed at Aurora, pointing her finger. She gasped at the sight of Rajah covered in what I assume was Mya's blood as it dripped off his face, causing him to lick his nose and the sides of his whiskers. Backing away, she moved slow and never too her eyes off the blood soaked tiger stalking towards her.

"Stop." My angel commanded and Rajah obeyed. "Bucky, Happy, get Ollie." They nodded and ran to me. "So you're the one who took my Ollie from me?" My angel rubbed her tummy and glared at Claire. She walked up next to Rajah and put her hand on his back. Rajah growled lowly at Claire, making her back up into a corner. "You should have learned not to take things that aren't yours." She slowly looked down at Rajah then back at her. "Eat." Rajah roared and jumped at Claire, biting and slashing at her. A mixture of her screams and Rajah's growls deafened the room. Suddenly her screams stopped and the sound of ripping flesh and bones crunching made everyone stand still and stare in shock. He's actually fucking eating her....


Hey guys!

Let me know what you think of this chapter! Hope you guys enjoy!

Love you guys! ✌

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