Chapter 5: The Ford Anglia and Hogwarts

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The following morning, Snape and Harry arrive at King Cross Station. Snape pushes the trolley that held Harry's trunk and cage into the station. Snape and Harry stop once they reach the brick wall between platforms 9 and 10. Snape pulls out Harry's ticket. He said, "Here's your ticket, Harry. I can't stay as Dumbledore wants to see me. I'll see you at Hogwarts, alright?" Harry nods and takes the ticket. He pockets the ticket as he said, "Thanks dad. I'll see you at Hogwarts." Snape smiles and hugs Harry. Harry hugs him back as Molly Weasley shows up with her brood. Arthur was pushing a trolley with Ginny's trunk on it." Snape said, "Follow them onto the platform and be careful." Harry smiles, "I will dad." They hug one last time as they said their goodbyes. Snape smile, then disapparates to Hogwarts. Harry spots Ron and pushes his trolley towards him, as Percy, Fred and George disappeared through the brick wall. Harry said, "Hi, Ron." Ron said, "Hi, Harry." They watch as Ginny disappeared through the brick wall, then Molly and Arthur. It was almost 11am. They need to hurry and fast or they will miss the train. Harry said, "Let's go." Ron nods in agreement. They push their trolleys as they run at the brick wall. Instead of going through the brick wall like the others did. They ended up crashing into the wall. Harry falls sideways to the ground with his trolley, while Ron goes flying over his trolley and lands on the ground. The security guard, who was assisting a lady, saw the 2 boys crash into the wall. He excused himself and went to the 2 boys. He said, "OY! What do you 2 think your doing?" Harry said, thinking quickly as he rubs his arm, "Sorry, lost control of the trolley." The security guard shakes his head and walks off. Harry whispers, "Why can't we get through?" Ron said, "I don't know." He pats the wall and said, "The gateway sealed itself for some reason." The clock in the train station chimed 11am. Harry said, "The train leaves at exactly 11 o'clock! We've missed it!" Ron said, looking worried, "Harry, if we can't get through, maybe mom and dad can't get back." Ron thought for a moment, then his eyes lit up, "The car!" Harry said, "The car?" Ron said, "Come on." Ron told Harry about his dad owning a car and how his dad made it fly. He told Harry the plan of how they were going to get to Hogwarts, as they pushed their trolleys out of the station. They put their trunks and cages in the back seat and shut the car door. They sit up front, with Ron in the driver seat. He starts the car and drives the car into the sky. Ron said, "There we go. Now, all we need to do is find the Hogwarts Express." Harry said, "Ron, are you sure you know how to fly this?" Ron said, "No problem." As they fly high above London, they see muggles looking up and pointing at them. Harry said, "Ron, I should tell you, most muggles aren't accustomed to seeing a flying car." Ron said, "Oh, right. Okay." Ron presses a button on the dashboard. The car immediately goes invisible as they continue flying north.

They soon see train tracks going north and start to follow it. Just then, they reappear along with the car. Ron presses the button over and over again. He said, "Oh no! The Invisibility Booster must be faulty!" Harry said, "Well, come on then. Let's go lower. We need to find the train." Ron nods and said, "Ok." He flies the car lower until they are just inches above the tracks. Harry said, "Now, all we have to do is catch up with the train." Ron said, "We can't be far behind." Suddenly they hear a train whistle. Harry said, "Do you hear that?" Ron said, "We must be getting close." Harry suddenly realized something at the same time as Ron did, as he said, "Hold on...." They both look at each other then look back. They weren't getting close to the train. They were right in front of the train! The Hogwarts Express was barreling down the tracks, heading right for them! They both screamed as Ron turns the wheel, getting the car off of the tracks as the train continues on the tracks. The car flips over several times, as Ron tries to fly the car high into the air. After the final flip, Ron manages to get the car upright again. Only for the car door on Harry's side to open up, sending Harry out of the car! Harry grabs hold of the handle of the car door as he hangs on for dear life! Ron said, "Harry! Hold on!" Harry looks down as Ron said, "Take my hand!" Harry reaches for Ron's hand and grabs it, but his hand slips from Ron's grasp. Ron's hand was sweaty. Ron said, "Hold on!" Harry said, "I'm trying! Your hand is all sweaty!" Harry tries again and this time he successfully grabs hold of Ron's hand and holds on tightly. Ron pulls Harry back into the car as Harry shuts the car door. Harry said, "I think we found the train." Ron said, "Yeah." They continue to follow the train as they head north. As it grew dark outside, they see Hogsmeade Station and continue flying until they saw a very familiar castle. They made it to Hogwarts! Ron grins said, "Welcome home, Harry." Harry grins, he was happy to be back at Hogwarts. Suddenly, the engine in the car, starts to sputter and clank. Their grins fade, to be replace by fear, as the car starts to lose altitude. Ron continues to drive it as he looks for a place to land. The car dives and turns. Harry said, "Up, up!" Ron said, "It's not working!" Harry screams, "Up! Ron, mind that tree!"  They look on in fear as the car heads straight for a tree on the grounds. Unbeknownst to them, the tree was the whomping willow. Ron takes his wand out and hits the dashboard with it as he shouts, "Stop, stop stop!" Unfortunately, Ron hits the dashboard too hard, because a loud crack was heard as his wand snaps in two. The car crashes into the tree branches and stops. Ron said, looking devastated at his broken wand, "My wand.... Look at my wand." Harry said, "Be thankful it's not your neck." Suddenly they feel something big hitting the car from all sides. Ron squeaks, "What's happening?!" Harry said, "I don't know." They look out the front window, just in time to see a fist-like branch punching the front of the car! The tree was punching the car with its branches! It manages to smash the front window of the car as they scream. Another fist-like branch smashes the back window of the car as they continue to scream. The top of the car dents inward as another branch pummels the car from above. Another mighty punch from behind, sends the car sliding off the tree towards the ground below. The car hits the ground hard as it lands on its wheels. They look up to see the tree reaching back, about to punch the car again. Harry screams, "Come on, Go! Fast!" Ron manages to start the car and drive away from the tree as fast as he could. Just as the tree swings its branches down to where they were moments ago! The car stops just a few feet away from the tree and opens its doors. It ejects Harry and Ron onto the ground, then it ejects their trunks and cages. Ron catches his cage and said, "Scabbers, are you ok?" As Harry catches his owl cage. The car shuts its doors and drives off on its own accord. As if it has a mind of its own. Harry and Ron chase after the car, but stops as the car drives into the forbidden forest. Ron said, "Dad's gonna kill me." Harry and Ron drag their trunks and cages and sets them with the other trunks and cages that were set up against the walls. Harry said, "See you Hedwig!" They climb the stairs and as they climb, Harry said, "So a house-elf shows up in my bedroom. We can't get through the barrier to platform 9 3/4. We almost get killed by a tree. Clearly, someone doesn't want me here this year." Harry and Ron froze as they reach the top of the stairs. There standing on the landing, waiting for them, was Mr. Filch. He was holding his cat and smiling in a way that told them that they were in big trouble.

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