Chapter 140

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---------------2 Weeks Later------------>
~~~~~~~~~Laura's P.O.V~~~~~~~~~
I looked on while doctors did their observations for the past 2 weeks. I looked at the nurse who was poking at him. "Watch those hands!" I called out without thinking. She looked at me. I growled at her. She chuckled. "Calm down. This is why your in here." She said. She then continued her observations. I just looked on. She wrote something in her clip board and directed another nurse to come in. This nurse had a cart. "What are you doing?" I ask. "Relax. He's coming back." She says and then enjected him. "This should help him." She said and then put a bandage on it. They then left the room. I quickly ran over to him. His color was officially coming back.He looked like he was coming back. This made me cry happy tears. Just then my baby jabbed me. "Ugh!" I groaned. "Are you okay?" Rydel called behind me. "Yes. Just someone loves it when I think about Mr.Perfect over here." I cried. "Is that why your crying?" She asked. "No. It's cause their both weighing on me." I say. "Aww come here." She said hugging me.
"He's going to wake up.The nurse says around tonight at 7." Riker said as soon as he walked over to us. "Thanks." I say as I started getting all teary again. "Aww Laura." Stormie said and hugged me. "I'm sorry." I say. "No it's okay. Its that time when your mood swings are all over the place." She tells me. "Yeah. I'll give you my orange juice." Ryland offers. "Do I look like I want orange juice?" I said irritated. "See. Your mood swings are now going to be massive." She said. "Really?" I  asked. She nodded. "Mine were when I was pregnant with Ross." She tells me. "Yes. Oh my god she went from having the best time of her life to the worst in a split second. " Riker said. We all laughed. "Oh hush up." She said. I chuckled. "Now let Ross wake up with that smile on your face." They say. I smile and nod.
~~~~~~~~~~Ross' P.O.V~~~~~~~~~
I don't know where I am but I felt a cold breeze rush through me. Last thing I remember was shopping with Laura. Laur? Where is she? I looked around. Nothing. I was just then engulfed in pure darkness. I had no idea where I was once again. Where am I? I then started hearing someone talking. "I love you." I heard. It then started echoing around me. I  had no control over my body. I tried to open my eyes but they wouldn't. I then felt something soft on my lips. Lips. Not just any lips, Laura's lips. I then pushed myself to open my eyes with all my strength.
I finally then managed to open my eyes. I then was greeted by my beautiful brunette. She didn't see me yet but was looking at something or someone. She was saying something but my hearing was a bit down still. I then felt pain in my core.I bit my lip and my breathing started to get heavy. I closed my eyes as I tried to get my breathing back to normal.Just then I felt warm tears fall on my cheeks. Not mine but her's. I fluttered my eyes open. I met with her beautiful big brown eyes. She smiled widely. "Ross!!!!" She shouted.
Hey my lovely readers! I have ideas for new stories and if you go to my page you will see two new stories!! Both are Raura:) One is called 'The Bartender' and the other is called 'Destiny'. I hope you guys like them. If you do,  comment. Yay! He woke up! I didn't want to bore you with Laura's depressing days of seeing him lay in bed all day as she cried. Comment and Vote!!!!

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