Recuperation (lemon)

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Clash: Okay, so we fought Rime on the westernmost section of the ice kingdom's shoreline.

Quilbi:  Mhm.

Clash: And Rime flew out west into the sea?

Quilbi: Correct.

Clash: So that means theres something out west in the Sea.

Quilbi: should be.

Clash: That something is probably the lost continent.

Quilbi: Yes...

Clash: And if the lost continent is to the west...

Quilbi: Yea...

Clash: Then that means...

Quilbi: YEA...

Clash: The blue moon is going to land somewhere on thr west coast!

Quilbi: YEA!!!

Clash: That narrows down our search, so now all we have to do is set up dragons keeping watch-

Moon pokes her head into the doorway.

"Quilbi, come with me, I think I know exactly  where the blue moon is landing and when." Moon said.

Clash: Or let Moon's future sight have the perfect timing... wohoo for easy solutions...

Darkstalker: *poof* awww, need something pal?

Clash: Go away.

Darkstalker: As you wish... *poof*

"Fuckin future vision..." Clash growled.

"We both have that." Darkstalker commented.

"Oh shut up." Clash barked.


Clash, discouraged and disappointed, lunbered to the jade winglet room for a nap. He found Carnelian deadlifting boulders.

"Hey, Carnelian." Clash greeted.

"Hey Clash- huff...- I can't realy talk right now, sorry." Carnelian smiled.

"Oh! No no, I was just going to take a nap. I'll be on my way then." Clash explained and turned to leave.

"Wait! You can stay if you want." Carnelian said, hoping for hin to stay.

"Oh, okay then." Clash walked in and layed down on the bed. He observed Carnelian from behind. He had a bird's eye view of every square inch of her back and leg muscles.

Clash: *licks lips*

Carnelian: Did you just lick your lips?

Clash: No...

After a few minutes Carnelian dropped her boulder and stretched her arms. She went to drink from her water sack, she ended up (intentionally) spilling water all over her chest.

*in Clash's head*

"There's no way she's doing that on purpose." Clash whispered.

"Nah man, she wants you!" Darkstalker exclaimed.

Carnelian gives Clash a sideling glance.

"I'm telling you! Did you see the lust in her eyes!??!!?" Darkstalker argued.

"She was just checking on me." Clash tried to take a realistic aproach.

*back to the real world*

"What would you say about my physical condition?" Carnelian asked, keeping her head turned away as she went to pick up her boulder.

Darkstalker *internally*: Now's your chance!

[DISCONTINUEDIT'SDEADDON'TREADIT] Clash: The NergiganteWhere stories live. Discover now