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"When love is real, it finds a way."
-Avater Roku

I really recommend you reading the PREFACE. Because it will give you a idea about what happened five years back.

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Five Years later

'Are you there yet? Did you take your break fast before coming here? I swear Sia, if you missed it again..' Lana, my best friend trails off. She sounds so nervous, someone would think this is her interview and not mine.

'I ate.'

'Good. Listen, if you're nervous, ask for water. Drink a bottle.' She takes a moment to think. 'On second thought, don't. If you drink too much then, you would have to use bathroom. It could be pretty embarrassing if you want to use it in the middle of-'

'Don't worry, I won't.' I stop her. 'Now stop pestering me. You're making me more nervous.' I whisper-shout on the phone. I am sitting on the lounge, waiting to give my tenth and hopefully my last interview of this month.

'Why're you whispering?' Her voice turns higher. 'Are you sleeping? Oh God. You're planning on skipping your interview.' She is full on shouting now. 'You better be on your way to the interview Sia or I'll murder you in your sleep.' She threatens.

I roll my eyes, feeling half annoyed, half amused, even though I know she can not see me. Lana can be scary when she wants to be.

'Yes mum.' I mimic like a dutiful kid, just to annoy her because I know she does not like it when I pick on her mother hen behaviour. 'I don't do that anymore. I'm already here. Also It wasn't like you and Ian gave me any other choice.' My voice sarcastic.

Other interviewees around me, give me irritated glances. I look at them apologetically.

I'm here for a job interview my friends insisted that I should attend. I came back to US for a year now but doing job interviews only since last month.

'Good. Don't pull any stunt like last time.' She hangs up. Huh. Typical Lana behaviour.

I am doing several part time jobs to pay my bills. Honestly, I am ok with how I am doing, though my scantily payment and everestsome loan, say otherwise.

So obviously my two best friends didn't agree with my living arrangements and went behind my back, applying for several hundreds interviews which they made sure I attend.

It is not that I won't get a job if I really try. It is more for the fear of facing everyone after five years. And that is also why, I put up an incomplete CV, not even mentioning my last job experiences (I also have a personal reason for that) which were quite prestigious in London and gave half hearted try to my last interviews.

If it was up to me, I would not even attend them but I did only for Lana and Ian.

Putting my phone on my clutch, I lets out a deep breath, I did not even know I was holding.

This is the first interview, I have taken a bit seriously. I wouldn't but recently I got a few calls from the bank asking to pay back which can not be covered by the small jobs that I do.

So I am quite anxious and desperate to have this job and this is making me even more nervous.

I look around trying to divert my attention of my impending doom, I have to attend in a few minutes. People around me are busy, reading some folders or in their own world and hardly giving me any glances.

They all are wearing suits and pencil skirts, making me leave a frustrated sigh. I am wearing a white shirt and black dress pant along with a black blazer.

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