P. 1 {Studies}

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"So using the Pythagorean theorem, if we know that side A is 81 and side C is 196, what would you find side B to be?"

Scrunching up my face, I wrack my seemingly empty brain for some sort of reminder of what that even is. In my hesitation, my tutor chuckles under his breath, giving me only a flash of those adorable dimples, which is only causing my brain to mush even more.

"A squared + B squared = C squared?," he asks me in my start of daze.

It doesn't help that he is just fucking gorgeous. Or that I've had a crush on him since I was 10 and he was 13. I loved him when he was the nerdy kid next door with the braces, bifocals, the way too gelled hair, and corrective shoes. When his favorite outfit was his Einstein T-shirt complete with suspenders and high waters.

Even better I got to watch him glow up into this sexy Dr. Reed looking nerd and become a complete and total sex symbol.

We weren't the best of friends but we were close associates. Our parents were friends and it seemed only natural when his parents found out I was having a little trouble in Trig to offer up their golden college boy as a tutor. But not to me. To me this was torture. Looking at him everyday, imagining all the things he could do to me.

Oh, I knew he was a beast in the bedroom. If the rumors were true anyway. And I could believe them, because, did I mention, I had grown up with him. He never made any advances at me but sometimes the conversations got a little off course of the typical 13 year old conversations into the more upwards of 16 year old stories. He was a freak. The things he liked to do to his women always put a deep heated blush on my face. Things that now my 17 year old mind could understand and fathom when I looked at his now 20 year old body.

"Come on," he interrupted my thoughts. "I just worked on this with you last week. Did you do any of the work?" His chastisement wasn't really that as I could see the look of amusement on his face. He knew I was crushing on him hard and it really tickled his fancy. Not mine though. The fact that he knew I was crushing on him but still came over every week and completely ignored my pathetic starings at him, only made me want to ask him to teach me something else.

I huffed loudly, closing my eyes. I wandered my brain for a bit, finally picking up on last week's lesson.

"So...81 + B squared = 196."

"Yup. Now what?" he urged me to continue.

"Soooo... B squared is 196-81. Which is," I pause to open my phone to the calculator.


"Oooo Kaaay," I reply reading the same on my phone.

"Ok, now give the sum of side B."

"Well, B squared is 115 so the square root of 115 will be B." Again I reach for my phone but do it slowly as I'm sure he will be giving the answer soon. Instead I look up to see him nod only once with a smirk on his face, his right cheek lifted revealing a lone dimple. Putting the calculations in, I get my answer and turn the phone around to show him.

"Very good. You did amazingly this week. Next week we will work on the midpoint formula. I think that was my fav in Trig." he begins packing up his bookbag when his phone chimes inside it.

Pulling it out, I read his reaction as he opens up his messages. He scrunched his eyebrows as his eyes go from left to right and back again reading what I presume is several lines. They go up again in wonder as another chime is heard and another message comes through. He bites and sucks his bottom lip, amused by what he is seeing and then he immediately shuts off his screen, his attention back on me as he stuffs it randomly in the bag.

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