Memory loss

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Spooktober. 14


Peter couldn't remember much from before. All he could think of was that he lived in an apartment with his aunt named... He couldn't remember her name. His uncle? Wasn't that what they were called? What was his name? Oh- what about his uh... Parents! No he couldn't remember their names either... Why didn't he live with his parents? Did they not like him? Did he do something wrong? Why was everything so fuzzy?

Peter jerked awake with a gasp. "Hey shh Pete. You're alright, kid." The boy scrambled back against the bed in fear. Where was he?! Why was this man trying to comfort him? Was he his dad? Where was his mom?

The heart moniter started to beep fast which increased his anxiety.

He pulled his legs against his chest and squinted his eyes shut, wishing it was just a horrible dream. "Peter." Was that his name? Why couldn't he remember his name?!

"Bruce why isn't he responding? Pete. Are you hurt?" His head was pounding. He could hear his extremely loud heartbeat in his ears. Why was everything so bright? Why was everything so loud?

Peter peaked his head up to look at Tony with scared, pitiful eyes. They were shining with tears. " It hur's..." He whispered. He wasn't comfortable talking to these people he didn't know. But he didn't remember anyone he knew. "What? What hurts?" The man seemed frantic, like a worried parent.

"I-Its really bright and rea-really loud. W-where am I, sir?" His voice was small and hidden. "What? Peter stop messing around with me." Peter curled in on himself more. He was scared. He didn't understand what was happening. Should he run away? Was he kidnapped or something?

The man's eyes immediately softened.
"Hey, hey... You're alright. What hurts, bud?" "Everything's really bright and loud... My head hurts a lot... 'm kinda dizzy." Tony's eyebrows furrowed. He looked at Bruce with a worried expression.

" you remember us? Where we are?" Peter took a shaky breath and shook his head. He was acting like a frightened child- which... He kind of was.

"I-I don't know where I am or-or who you are... I don't remember where I'm supposed to be... All I remember is... I-is I live with my aunt... No uncle...But not my parents for some reason. Did I do something wrong?" "Pete, you didn't do anything wrong." "What happened to them then?" Did Tony really want to put Peter through that again?

"We'll talk about that later. Do you remember their names? Your name?" "I-I heard you call me Peter... I don't remember any other names. I'm sorry... Who are you? Why don't I remember anything?" He was starting to panic.

"Shhh calm down Pete. Let's not go too fast. My name's Tony Stark, your mentor. That's Bruce Banner over there," he gestured to a worried looking Bruce. " And you, mister, are Peter Parker." "O-ok..." "Ring any bells?" He tried- so hard- to focus. He swallowed hard and replied. "No."

"That's ok. Uh... How about your Aunt. May Parker?" Peter shook his head again. Tony let out a shaky breath. "Ok. Ok. That's ok. How about I call May and when you see her, tell us if you remember. How's that sound?" "Ok."

With some thought and taking in his surroundings, Peter decided he would trust Tony. Something deep down inside him told him that he was someone important and he wanted to help. Maybe he'd recognise his aunt.

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