Chapter 36

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"Are you sure, Strawhat?" Franky looked to Luffy, who was uneasy. "Don't you have to wait for one more person?"

"I did wait for him, but he didn't show up...I guess this is his answer!" Luffy laughed, but it was nervous laughter, with absolutely no amusement behind it. He was scared. Everyone could tell. "I'm sure he'll have fun! I don't think he's gonna quit being a pirate, so maybe we'll see him on the sea sometime!"

"Luffy-!!!" Y/n was cut off as the ship suddenly rocked violently, a canon ball landing in the sea beside them, creating strong waves.

"Crap! It's the marines!" Franky cursed.

"Grandpa?!" Luffy guffawed.

"Hey, Luffy! Can you hear me?! This is your grandpa!" Garp's voice echoed across the sea.

"Grandpa, what's going on?! You told us that you wouldn't arrest us here!" Luffy shouted back.

"Yeah...Things happened...So I'm sorry to say this, but I'll have to ask you to just drown and die!"

"What a loving family..." Y/n sweat dropped.

"What's he doing...?" Sanji muttered, watching Garp's movement.

"Watch it!!" The whole crew cried out in surprise as a broken ship beside them on the shoreline was blasted to pieces.

"He threw that with his bare hands!!!" Sanji's jaw dropped.

"It flew much faster than a regular cannon ball would too...Doesn't he know it's not a baseball?!" Zoro cursed.

"It can't be helped, we have to run away!" Nami called out. "Or else the new ship will get wrecked!"

"Guys, they're bringing out more!" Y/n growled.

"Full speed ahead!" The ship began to set sail, everyone very aware of the fact that one of the crew members was missing.

"He's here!!" Everyone looked to Chopper, who looked beyond excited. "Usopp's here!" Despite his appearance, everyone agreed that they would not stop the ship, not until they heard what needed to be said. The sniper could be heard from the shore, screaming, asking why they were leaving when he was right there.

"Aquarius: Wave!" Y/n grit her teeth, blocking the canon balls coming their way in rapid fire. Usopp was still shouting out, but they weren't the words the Straw Hat crew listened for. "Hurry up, you idiot!" Y/n grimaced as her wave crashed back down into the sea, dropping their biggest defense. Sanji, Zoro, Luffy, and Franky were quick to destroy what y/n couldn't block.

"Luffy!" Chopper cried out, hearing their sniper becoming more desperate.

"I didn't hear anything." Luffy scowled.

"Zoro?!" The doctor turned to the swordsman instead.

"I didn't hear anything!" The green haired male grunted, slicing down a canon ball.

"You liars!" Chopper cried. The canon balls kept coming, the crew slowly losing energy.


"About time..." Y/n sighed in relief, a soft smile growing on her lips.

"I KNOW IT'S SHAMEFUL!! AND I KNOW I SAID I LEFT THE CREW!!! BUT I TAKE IT BACK!! PLEASE!!! LET ME JOIN YOU AGAIN! PLEASE LET ME BE YOUR NAKAMA ONE MORE TIME!!!" Usopp begged, sobbing so loudly it was a wonder how he hadn't lost his voice at this point.

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